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Your one-stop client-side script to run radiopadre notebooks locally and on remote machines.

Quick start:

$ pip install radiopadre-client
$ run-radiopadre interesting_local_directory --auto-init

Or for a remote session, assuming you have ssh access to the host:

$ run-radiopadre remote_host:interesting_remote_directory --auto-init

(With any luck, the --auto-init option will cause an automatic installation on the remote end.)


Radiopadre is a Jupyter notebook framework for quick and easy visualization of [radio astronomy, primarily] data products and pipelines.

Radiopadre includes integration with JS9 and CARTA for live FITS viewing of [remote] FITS files straight from your browser. (In boldface, because this is a pretty neat capability to have!)

Radiopadre is a custom Jupyter kernel, so in principle you could install it and create radiopadre notebooks directly from a Jupyter session. Some of the tight integration with JS9 and CARTA, however, works smoother if you start your sessions via run-radiopadre, which takes care of starting up and stopping appropriate helper processes and such.

run-radiopadre can also take care of starting radiopadre inside remote Jupyter sessions using virtualenv, Docker or Singularity. It will manage port forwarding for you, so that your local browser can talk to the remote Jupyter server (and CARTA/JS9 backends).

Installation notes

Radiopadre strives to be admin-free. That is, you should not need to bother your friendly local sysadmin for most (or all) of the below.

Radiopadre itself (plus the attendant Jupyter etc. dependencies) must be installed inside a Python 3.6+ virtual environment. The Jupyter notebook server then runs inside this environment.

run-radiopadre does not have (but can) live in the same virtualenv. Since it has almost no dependencies (and is backwards-compatible down to Python 2.7), you can install it directly with pip install --user, for example. (Or clone the repository and jury-rig an install via PATH and PYTHONPATH settings.)

Automatic virtualenv install

If started outside a virtualenv, run-radiopadre -V will look for a virtualenv called ~/.radiopadre/venv, activate it, and run the Jupyter notebook server within.

If ~/.radiopadre/venv does not exist, specify the --auto-init option so that run-radiopadre can try to create it for you, and install radiopadre inside. This is normally the easiest way to bootstrap a new installation. (Python 3.6+ required.)

Manual virtualenv install

If, for whatever reason, you want to install radiopadre in a custom virtualenv, then create [a Python 3.6+] one yourself and install radiopadre inside it following the instructions. This follows normal pip practice. You can use pip install, or else pip install -e for an "editable" install from a local directory. Since radiopadre depends on radiopadre-client, it will automatically install the latter as well (though you may well want to pre-install a local version with pip install -e).

If run-radiopadre is then run inside that virtual environment, it will look for radiopadre in the same environment. Alternatively, you can still run run-radiopadre -V outside the environment, but specify its location with --radiopadre-venv.

The Docker/Singularity backends

If you don't want to or can't use virtual environments (don't have Python 3.6, for example), you can run radiopadre notebooks inside a Docker or Singularity container. Images are provided on dockerhub.

To use containers, invoke run-singularity -D or run-singularity -S. This will automatically download the required image from dockerhub, if not already available on the system.

Remote installation

To run remote radiopadre sessions, the remote end must have either:

(a) have a full radiopadre install inside .radiopadre/venv (or another custom environment);

(b) have radiopadre-client alone installed inside .radiopadre/venv, and support Docker or Singularity;

(c) or have run-radiopadre somewhere in the default path (i.e. a pip install -e, or a jury-rigged install), and support Docker or Singularity.

Case (a) requires Python 3.6+, and allows run-radiopadre -V, while (b) or (c) can make do with Python as low as 2.7, but require using run-radiopadre -D or run-radiopadre -S.

If you've got nothing at all installed on the remote, you can try --auto-init to bootstrap an installation. At present, this will try to set up case (a), so Python 3.6+ and virtualenv is required. For funky/older systems without, you'll have to set up (b) or (c) by hand.


$ run-radiopadre -V .

Uses the virtualenv backend (-V). Activates the virtual environment, runs the Jupyter notebook server inside with "." as the working directory, and drives a browser to it (see --browser option). If no notebooks are present, creates a minimalistic starter notebook called radiopadre-default.ipynb. If a notebook called radiopadre-auto.ipynb is present, opens it automatically (see --auto-load option.) Also opens the CARTA browser in a separate tab.

$ run-radiopadre -V remote_box:project

Uses SSH to connect to remote_box. Uses the virtualenv backend (-V). Activates the virtual environment, runs the Jupyter notebook server inside with ~/project as the working directory. Sets up port forwarding so that a local browser can talk to Jupyter on the remote end. Drives a local browser to the appropriate URL. If no notebooks are present in project, creates a minimalistic starter notebook called radiopadre-default.ipynb. Opens radiopadre-auto.ipynb automatically.

$ run-radiopadre -D remote_box:project --auto-init -u

Uses SSH to connect to remote_box. If run-radiopadre is not found on the remote, tries to bootstrap an installation. If successful, uses the Docker backend (-D). Checks for an updated version of the Docker image (-u) and downloads it if needed. Runs the container with a Jupyter notebook server inside, with ~/project as the working directory. Sets up port forwarding so that a local browser can talk to Jupyter inside the remote container. Drives a local browser to the appropriate URL. If no notebooks are present in project, creates a minimalistic starter notebook called radiopadre-default.ipynb. Opens radiopadre-auto.ipynb automatically.

Persistent configuration

Combinations of command-line settings can be made into persistent defaults by saving them to a config file called ~/.config/radiopadre-client. This is useful when you work with different remote hosts with different setups. The -s option saves the current combination of command-line options to a config section called [host]. The -e option saves them to a section called [host:path]. For example, the result of the following three runs of run-radiopadre:

$ run-radiopadre -D box1:project1 -s
$ run-radiopadre -V box1:project2 -e
$ run-radiopadre -S box2:project2 -s

is the following config file:

backend = docker

backend = venv

backend = singularity

The contents of the config file modify the relevant default settings. If run-radiopadre is then run without an explicit -V, -D, or -S option for a matching host (and possibly path), the default backend setting is taken from the config file.

In case of confusion, look at messages at the start of run-radiopadre. These tell you which settings come from the config file, and which from the command line.

Note also that some options (e.g. --update and --auto-init) are considered one-off settings, and are not saved to the config file.

Recent sessions

Invoking run-radiopadre without arguments gives you a list of the five most recent sessions, and lets you invoke one of them again by entering its number.

Updates and bleeding-edge installs

The --client-install-pip and --server-install-pip determine what package names are passed to pip install when --auto-init is invoked. The default values are simply radiopadre-client and radiopadre. Whenever --update is given, pip --upgrade is invoked to upgrade these packages. You can pin a particular release by including a pip version specifier, e.g. --radiopadre-client radiopadre-client==1.0.

~Maso~ advanced users may want to track the git repository versions rather than pip releases. This can be done by setting the following options, adjusting their values as appropriate:

--client-install-path ~/radiopadre-client
--client-install-branch master
--server-install-path ~/radiopadre
--server-install-branch master

These options override the pip settings. Rather than installing from PyPI, the packages are then cloned from the specified repositories into the specified directories, and installed into the virtual environment with pip install -e. When --update is given, git pull is invoked to update the sources.

If using Docker or Singularity, you will probably want to combine this with the --container-dev option. If set, this will mount the client/server install paths inside the container, thus overriding the potentially older versions installed inside the image.


Minimal client-side scripts to run radiopadre notebooks







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