THis Application allow users to send and receive messages and images to other users.
- Creates an account for a client and allows him to login at any time.
- Personal chat between two persons.
- Group creation, Group chat and Admin Powers.
- Image sharing
- End to End Encryption
- Load Balancing of servers
- Python
- Postgres
- Socket Library
- Threading
- Bcrypt Library
- pickle
- server side:
python3 $PORT # Run this as many terminals as you wish with a port number as an argument(Each time you run this a server is created)
- client side:
If there are no servers available, a message "Sorry, No services available" will be printed and the program is terminated else the client is binded to the server which is less busy.
Program will ask for Login/#
For Login:
Input: LOGIN Input: Username Input: Password
For #:
Input: # Input: Username Input: Password
During # a .pem file is created that stores the private key of the user which is used for decrypting messages. During login we just load this key from that file. This has a demmerit that once a user # from a device, he has to login from that directory only all the times.
In case of successful login/#, the program will show the available clients and groups
Program can send both text messages and images.
To Enter personal chatroom
Input: 1 Input: username of person to whom you want to chat with
For text:
Input: text Input: message
For Image:
Input: image Input: path to image
For leaving chat with that person
Input: 0
To leave this chat room:
Input: @#@EXIT@#@
If the receiver is offline then the message is stored in the database.
To create a group
Input: 2 Input: name of the group you want to create Input: names of the participants
After you entered all the participants name
Input: -1
A new group with given name and creator as the admin is created. This data is stored in database
For entering a group chatroom
Input: 3 Input: Name of the Group you want to chat with
For Chatting
Input: 1 Input: type of image(text or image) Input: 0 to stop messaging
For Adding a participant
Input: 2 Output(if not an admin): Only admin can add/remove partipants Input: Participant name
For Removing a participant
Input: 3 Output(if not an admin): Only admin can add/remove partipants Input: Participant name
For exiting chat with this group
Input: 0
For leaving this chatroom
Input: @#@EXIT@#@
client1 client2 client3 client4
| | | |
| | | |
| | |
server1 server2 server3
| | |
\ | /
\ | /
- First when we run the, it will wait for the connections from clients
- We also run the master_clients that will wait for servers
- master_server is connected to all the servers that are currently working
- Once a is runned, the request is sent to, Then it will check for the server which has least no. of clients
- Then the client binds with that server
- If a client is connected to a server, we will update this data in the database, From this info we will know how many clients a server is currently handling.
- We also know which client is connected to which server from this table
- Consider client-A and client-B are connected to server-1. Then if A wants to send message to B the the encrypted message will go to server-1, server-1 sends this message to B, B will decrypt it and read
- If A and B are connected to different servers, let A connected to server-1 and B to server-2. server-1 recieves message from A, since B is not connected to server-1, It will send this message to master_server. The master_server sends the message to server-2 to which B is connected. Then server-2 will send this message to B
- If B is offline then the encrypted message is stored in the database. Once B comes online, he recieves the message through the server he connected from the database
- Used bcrypt for encrypting passwords and stored in database. We took a fixed salt. Since decrypting from encrypted password is not possible, any other person cannot know the password of client even though they have access of database.
- Used rsa encryption for the messages and send the encrypted message to server. Only the sender and reciever(might be a person(personal message) or a set of people(group message)) will know what the message is.
- Distributed the clients among the servers equally using load_server so that the work load is equally balanced.
- For the intercommunication between the servers we are running the master_server that acts as a intermediate in message transfer from a server to another server