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Full-stack hotel booking application built with Next.js, featuring room reservations, user reviews, profile management, and an admin portal, integrated with MongoDB, Stripe, and Cloudinary

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Red-Rooms: A Next.js Full Stack Project.

Getting Started

First, Install all the required packages:

npm install
# or
yarn add

Then, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

If you wanted to seed the data:

  • for adding data to your database,
npm run seeder --import
  • for deleting all the data from your database,
npm run seeder --delete

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Next.Js has routes embedded in folder, we can handle all our pages in that folder by creating the files with route name. for the server side routes, there is a api folder in which we can create api routes by creating files of the route name.


  • This Hotel Booking App AKA Red Rooms is used for booking rooms in various hotels. User can check if the room is available at particular date and can book the room by logging in and paying with stripe. User can review on the Room already he had booked before only. Each room has its number of ratings by users, average ratings(Out of 5). User can edit his own profile and can change his Avatar too.
  • There is also and admin portal which can perform CRUD operations on Users, Rooms, Bookings, Reviews.
  • Deployed on Vercel using built-in CI/CD pipeline. You can view deployments here

Server Side:

  • Used MongoDB for storing Data(NoSQL DB).
  • Used mongoose to connect our application to MongoDB and for creating models such as Room, User, Booking.
  • Created all server side routes in pages/api/ folder.
  • Implemented each controller for each route in controllers/ folder.
  • Implemented various middlewares such as Error handlers, Authenticators, etc. in middlewares/ folder.
  • Implemented Authentication by using Next Auth.
  • Used cloudinary to upload all the images.
  • Integrated with Stripe for payments.
You can view the postman's documentation of API here.

Client Side:

  • Created all client side routes/urls in pages/ folder.
  • Constructed the Basic Layout under components/layout/ folder.
  • Contructed all other components under components/ folder.
  • Used Next Link for switching between pages.
  • Used Next Auth for creating sessions to protect certain routes.
  • Used Redux for Global State Management by wrapping application under store(which is created in redux/store.js file) and creating all the reducers in redux/reducers/ folder with help of all global constants in redux/constants/ folder by controlling it with the actions in redux/actions/ folder.
  • Implemented pagination by using React pagination for viewing all the Items in a systematic manner.
  • Implemented search bar for searching various rooms by entering their locations and categories through query params.
  • Implemented Carousel for viewing Rooms by scrolling, and Calender by chhosing dates of booking the rooms.
  • Used Stripe checkout page for payments and webhooks to redirect back.


Full-stack hotel booking application built with Next.js, featuring room reservations, user reviews, profile management, and an admin portal, integrated with MongoDB, Stripe, and Cloudinary







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