This repo is a collaborative project to create a basic inventory system for a company of the same name. The problem with the current business model is when signs and other equipment are being rented out. There is no system to keep track of availability for inventory. This can lead to miscommunications between the business and the customers, along with some crazy last-minute woodworking for employees.
The ability to be able to keep track of inventory will help improve customer confidence and allow the woodworkers to be more proactive in creating new inventory before it has dimished. This allows better communications to customers about availablility and allows employees to better prepare for the creation of needed inventory which would improve work flow.
From the root of the directory run
npm install
This will install all of the necessary dependencies in the root, server, and client directories.
create a .env file in the root of the server directory and create the vairables defined in the sample.env file. You will need a mongodb account and a cluster set up to connect to the db. The connection is a uri string that you can generate when the cluster is created.
To run both the client and server in development, run the following command from the root directory
npm run dev
This command will start the server and automatically launch the client in the browser.
To run the server separately, in the root directory run
npm run start:server
To run the client separately, in the root directory run
npm run start:client