- User Registration: A new user should be able to register themselves providing essential details like name, email, and password.
- User Login/Logout: Users should be able to log in and log out of the system.
- Task Creation: Logged-in users should be able to create tasks. Each task should include a title, status(open, in-progress, done), description, and deadline.
- Task Assignment: Users should be able to assign tasks to other registered users. An email notification should be sent to the assignee when a task is assigned.
Open CMD and Following these steps
Step 1: Git Clone
git clone https://github.com/rayhanalshorif133/Technical-Test-FPTL.git
Step 2: Goto Folder
cd Technical-Test-FPTL
Step 3: Run this command
composer install
composer update
Step 4: Copy .env.example to .env and setup mysql database with mail server
Step 5: Run this command
npm install
Step 6: Run this command
php artisan migrate:fresh
- Note: Automatically create new 3 to 4 user and task as a demo (For using seeder)
- Email: admin@example.com
- Password: password
Step 7: Run this command
php artisan key:generate
Step 8: Run this command
npm run dev
Step 9: Run this command in another CMD
php artisan serve
Final step: Goto http://localhost:8000/ and Login