This package contains example code for the full-day course
M. Botsch, M. Pauly, L. Kobbelt, P. Alliez, B. Levy, "Geometric Modeling Based on Polygonal Meshes"
held at SIGGRAPH 2007, San Diego, and Eurographics 2008, Crete.
- Files & Directories
ReadMe.txt This file. src Source code for the mesh data structure OpenMesh, the isosurface extraction IsoEx, and the mesh course. lib The TAUCS library for a sparse direct Cholesky solver acgmake The compile tool acgmake (Linux) MSVC Project files for MS Visual Studio 2005 (Windows) Xcode Project files for Apple's Xcode 3.0 (Mac)
- License
The code examples are released under the GNU GPL, see src/CodeExamples/LICENSE.
OpenMesh is released under the GNU LGPL, see src/OpenMesh/LICENSE and http://www.openmesh.org
IsoEx is released under the GNU LGPL, see src/IsoEx/LICENSE and http://www-i8.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/software/software.html
TAUCS is released under the GNU LGPL, see lib/taucs-source/doc/taucs.pdf and http://www.tau.ac.il/~stoledo/taucs/
- Compiling
Under Linux, please use the tool acgmake. Simply go to "cd src" and call "../acgmake/bin/acgmake". Platform-specific configurations can be done in acgmake/configs/config.Linux. More details on acgmake can be found in acgmake/docu/html/index.html.
For Windows the directory MSVC contains a solution file for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005.
The directory Xcode contains project files for Apple's Xcode 3.0 on MacOS.
- Example Applications
The code examples include the following applications:
A simple GLUT-based triangle mesh viewer.
Visualization of curvatures and reflection lines for quality analysis.
Iterative Laplacian smoothing for noise removal.
Mesh fairing based on minimizing the surface thin-plate energy.
Discrete harmonic parameterization of disk-shaped surfaces.
Iterative mesh decimation based on the quadric error metric.
Three different algorithms for mesh repair.
Interactive mesh deformation.
3D Models
For the following triangle meshes are included in the package. Please refer to their sources to check the respective terms of useage.
bunny.off: Courtesy of the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository. See http://graphics.stanford.edu/data/3Dscanrep/
scanned_face.off: Courtesy Leif Kobbelt, RWTH Aachen.
max.off: Part of the Max Planck model, courtesy Leif Kobbelt and Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science, Saarbruecken.
fan.off: Courtesy Hughes Hoppe, Microsoft Research USA.
teapot.off: The famous Utah teapot. See e.g. http://www.sjbaker.org/teapot/
-- Mario Botsch (botsch@inf.ethz.ch) April 2008