Example building a custom entity to represent Customer.
I found the docs at https://backstage.io/docs/features/software-catalog/extending-the-model#implementing-custom-model-extensions to be very difficult to follow, especially in terms of connecting the dots on all the pieces that need to be configured. Hopefully this helps someone out. <3
You must have a Backstage app built with npx @backstage/create-app
- customer-common - contains the definition of our Customer entity, extremely simplified. This was buily by copying the https://github.com/backstage/backstage/tree/master/plugins/scaffolder-common package and removing unnecessary stuff.
- customer-backend - contains the validation logic used by Backstage to ensure our entity works correctly. This was generated with
yarn new --select backend-plugin
and modified to remove unnecessary stuff.
Copy the customer-common and customer-backend folders into the plugins/ folder of your backstage app
Modify the packages/backend/package.json file to include a reference to "@internal/plugin-customer-backend"
"@internal/plugin-customer-backend": "^0.1.0",
Modify packages/backend/src/plugins/catalog.ts to include a reference to our new processor:
In app-config.yaml, add "Customer" to the catalog/rules/allow list:
catalog: import: entityFilename: catalog-info.yaml pullRequestBranchName: backstage-integration rules: - allow: [Component, System, API, Resource, Location, Customer]
To test out your entity, create a new instance of our customer entity by modifying examples/entities.yaml, and adding the following to the bottom:
--- apiVersion: myexample.com/v1beta3 kind: Customer metadata: name: test-customer spec: owner: guests
Fire up Backstage
yarn dev
At this point, assuming everything worked correctly, you should be able to see your new Customer entity, as well as your test customer in the list, by choosing the "Customer" Kind on the catalog homepage.