uptrace-go is an OpenTelemery distribution configured to export traces and metrics to Uptrace.
Install uptrace-go:
go get github.com/uptrace/uptrace-go
Run the basic example below using the DSN from the Uptrace project settings page.
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
// Configure OpenTelemetry with sensible defaults.
// copy your project DSN here or use UPTRACE_DSN env var
// uptrace.WithDSN("https://<key>@api.uptrace.dev/<project_id>"),
// Send buffered spans and free resources.
defer uptrace.Shutdown(ctx)
// Create a tracer. Usually, tracer is a global variable.
tracer := otel.Tracer("app_or_package_name")
// Create a root span (a trace) to measure some operation.
ctx, main := tracer.Start(ctx, "main-operation")
// End the span when the operation we are measuring is done.
defer main.End()
// The passed ctx carries the parent span (main).
// That is how OpenTelemetry manages span relations.
_, child1 := tracer.Start(ctx, "child1-of-main")
child1.SetAttributes(attribute.String("key1", "value1"))
_, child2 := tracer.Start(ctx, "child2-of-main")
child2.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("key2", 42), attribute.Float64("key3", 123.456))
fmt.Printf("trace: %s\n", uptrace.TraceURL(main))