kfs-2 👈🏻 kfs-3
Third Kernel from Scratch project. Learn how to manage the memory in you kernel.
Assembly code is in Intel syntax not in AT&T syntax.
You must enable memory paging in your Kernel
You must code a memory structure that handle paging and memory rights
You must define Kernel and User space
You must implement a function to create / get memory pages
You must implement functions to allocate, free and get size of a variable.
You must implement those functions for virtual and physical memory
You must handle "kernel panics" (Print, stop the kernel)
🐧 Linux and 🍏 Mac
https://wiki.osdev.org/Setting_Up_Paging https://wiki.osdev.org/Paging https://wiki.osdev.org/Writing_A_Page_Frame_Allocator