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Truman Cranor edited this page Mar 4, 2014 · 14 revisions

Installing the Virtual Machine

Because getting the configuration for Ruby/Rails to work out across three different operating systems is annoying and something we don't want to ever have to deal with again, a Virtualbox VM has been created that can be deployed across any platform.

Using VMWare virtual machines

  1. On Windows or linux, download VMWare player from here: Macs should download a VMWare Fusion free trial from here instead:

  2. Download the VM from here: (it's over 2 GB, so try to use a wired connection)

  3. Unzip the VM file, and add it to Fusion/Player

  4. Boot up the VM. The default user name is syndrome and the password is syndrome

Setting up your development environment

  1. Set your Git user name with git config --global "Your Name" and git config --global so commits are correctly attributed.

  2. Install dependencies with bundle install.

  3. From top level git directory, run This will add any changes to your workspace that were made after the VM file was saved and uploaded. Current changes in this script:

  • Add "production" target in .git/config for pushing to DigitalOcean git repo.


We no longer deploy to Heroku and now deploy to a VPS on DigitalOcean. Current production build is deployed at

Running into issues?

Be sure to check the other wiki pages to see if someone has added something that pertains to the issue and can resolve it.