Releases: rddill-IBM/ZeroToBlockchain
Update install scripts
Install scripts have been updated to support Ubuntu 18. Error checking has been included to stop the installation process if an error occurs.
Update package.json
Update package.json to use fabric-client v 1.2.2 explicitly. This applies to all chapters and resolves the following error:
Error: Cannot find module 'fabric-client/lib/EventHub'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:548:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:475:25)
at Module.require (module.js:597:17)
at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/rddill/Documents/github/z2b-test/Chapter05/controller/restapi/features/composer/queryBlockChain.js:25:15)
at Module._compile (module.js:653:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:664:10)
at Module.load (module.js:566:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:506:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:498:3)
C13 Cloudant support, Common event management
Chapter 13 has had a problem when cloud foundry restarts. When this happens, the previous data management approach in Chapter 13 resulted in all of the cards being lost. This release introduces Cloudant as a persistence service for cards so that when CF restarts, all cards are automatically recreated. This only recreates the cards created when the autoload process is run. Cards created via the admin console are not preserved. Implementing this additional logic is left to the student.
Event management for chapters 1-12 was sort of brute force and did not work with Chapter 13. There were also issues which appeared when multiple browser pages were opened simultaneously against the local nodejs server which resulted in events being lost. These issues have been resolved by implementing the logic and technology used in Chapter 13 for all earlier chapters.
Update sample.js in network/lib
This fixes two errors in sample.js:
- some of the if statements were using a single = instead of a double ==. this has been corrected.
- the logic for the cancel option was missing an entry for backordered items in chapters 8 - 13. this has been corrected. has been updated to correctly populate .hfc-key-store across all chapters.
Update kubernetes-deploy for PAID IBM Cluster
Complete update to script for paid clusters. This includes update to the cs-offerings scripts from the ibm-container git repo, specifically this version is using a modified version of the 1.04 tag version from that repo. Pauses have been added to the scripts to ensure that individual processes (like delete all followed by create all) have time to quiesce before proceeding. This is to avoid, as much as possible, mount failures during the container update processes.
Equally important, the nodejs scripts for event processing have been updated in this chapter so that blockchain events are correctly displayed in different parts of the app.
Update Chapter 13 to support paid cluster on IBM Cloud
This release provides support for paid clusters on the IBM Cloud. We're continuing to run V1.04 of Hyperledger Fabric. This will be updated when we release V2.0 of the tutorial.
Update C13 cli install script
This release includes updates to the script to better handle osx detection and updates to the osx_setup script to better handle nodejs install, git install and docker daemon detection.
Update setup execs to composer 0.16.2
The script and the scripts were installing composer version 0.16.0. These have been updated to install composer version 0.16.2.
Correct error in Chapter13 script
The kuberenetes deploy script in Chapter 13 had an error on line 36 which prevented the -c and -k options from being processed. That error has been corrected.
To get the latest version of this repository onto your local system, assuming that you have followed the recommendation to first fork this repository and then clone from your own id, issue the two following commands.
The first command tells git to use this repository as the upstream master. You only need execute this command once during the life of your local cloned repository.
git remote add upstream
The second command tells git to retrieve the latest information from the upstream master and integrate it into your local, cloned copy
git pull upstream master
Correct scripts to pull fabric 1.0
The setup scripts incorrectly specified which file to pull. This has been updated so that only Fabric 1.0 will be pulled until Composer releases stable version 1.0