The website behind made using the Hugo static site generator.
Install hugo: see
Clone this repository
git clone reaktor23-website cd reaktor23-website
Mess around with the content ... or not
View page on your machine with
hugo server
and visiting http://localhost:1313
All commits to the master branch will be deployed automatically via Travis CI
Shortcodes are used to enable users to create certain HTML output from the markup pages.
You can use Emojis with their shortcodes as listed here 😍
Here are our implemented shortcodes for documentation:
Geneartes a nice looking frame around the image. Also, clicking on it will show a big size version.
{{< thumbnail src="url/to/img.jpg" width="200px" >}}
{{< thumbnail src="url/to/img.jpg" width="x200" class="horizontal" >}}
{{< thumbnail src="url/to/img.jpg" width="x200" caption="This picture illustrates something" >}}
src is mandatory, width controls the image width, class enables us to align the images horizontaly or do other stuff (see Bootstrap) and caption will show a text underneath the image.
Font Awesome
Let you insert a Font Awesome Icon into you page.
{{< fa icon="github" size="3" >}}
icon is mandatrory, size controls the icon size (1,2,3,4,5)
Let you embed a vimeo video.
{{< vimeo id="43611049" >}}
id is mandatory
Let you embed a youtube video.
{{< youtube id="aqz-KE-bpKQ" >}}
Let you put content in an bootstrap alert box.
{{% box type="danger" %}}
Your content here
{{% /box %}}
type is one of the bootstrap classes for alerts (primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark), defaults to info.
Wraps a markdown table and makes it a bit more fancy by adding the bootstrap table class
{{% table %}}
| A | B |
| --- | --- |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
{{% /table %}}