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Merge pull request #1922 from realm/jp-sorted-imports
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Make SortedImportsRule auto-correctable
  • Loading branch information
jpsim authored Oct 24, 2017
2 parents 03f1a2f + de67d72 commit 4494dc1
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Showing 4 changed files with 247 additions and 21 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,17 @@
* Add `catch` to the statements checked by the `control_statement` rule.
[JP Simard](

* Make `sorted_imports` correctable.
[Samuel Susla](
[JP Simard](

* Make `sorted_imports` only validate within import "groups" of imports on
directly adjacent lines.
[Samuel Susla](
[JP Simard](

##### Bug Fixes

* Correct equality tests for `Configuration` values. They previously didn't
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64 changes: 63 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10518,7 +10518,7 @@ class TotoTests { }

Identifier | Enabled by default | Supports autocorrection | Kind
--- | --- | --- | ---
`sorted_imports` | Disabled | No | style
`sorted_imports` | Disabled | Yes | style

Imports should be sorted.

Expand All @@ -10544,6 +10544,37 @@ import labc
import Ldef

import BBB
// comment
import AAA
import CCC

@testable import AAA
import CCC

import AAA
@testable import CCC

import EEE.A
import FFF.B
#if os(Linux)
import DDD.A
import EEE.B
import CCC
import DDD.B
import AAA
import BBB

<summary>Triggering Examples</summary>
Expand All @@ -10555,6 +10586,37 @@ import ↓BBB
import CCC

import DDD
// comment
import CCC
import ↓AAA

@testable import CCC
import ↓AAA

import CCC
@testable import ↓AAA

import FFF.B
import ↓EEE.A
#if os(Linux)
import DDD.A
import EEE.B
import DDD.B
import ↓CCC
import AAA
import BBB


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192 changes: 173 additions & 19 deletions Source/SwiftLintFramework/Rules/SortedImportsRule.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,52 @@
import Foundation
import SourceKittenFramework

public struct SortedImportsRule: ConfigurationProviderRule, OptInRule {
extension Line {
fileprivate var contentRange: NSRange {
return NSRange(location: range.location, length: content.bridge().length)

// `Line` in this rule always contains word import
// This method returns contents of line that are after import
private func importModule() -> Substring {
return content[importModuleRange()]

fileprivate func importModuleRange() -> Range<String.Index> {
let rangeOfImport = content.range(of: "import")
precondition(rangeOfImport != nil)
let moduleStart = content.rangeOfCharacter(from: CharacterSet.whitespaces.inverted, options: [],
range: rangeOfImport!.upperBound..<content.endIndex)
return moduleStart!.lowerBound..<content.endIndex

// Case insensitive comparison of contents of the line
// after the word `import`
fileprivate static func <= (lhs: Line, rhs: Line) -> Bool {
return lhs.importModule().lowercased() <= rhs.importModule().lowercased()

private extension Sequence where Element == Line {
// Groups lines, so that lines that are one after the other
// will end up in same group.
func grouped() -> [[Line]] {
return reduce([[]]) { result, line in
guard let last = result.last?.last else {
return [[line]]
var copy = result
if last.index == line.index - 1 {
copy[copy.count - 1].append(line)
} else {
return copy

public struct SortedImportsRule: CorrectableRule, ConfigurationProviderRule, OptInRule {
public var configuration = SeverityConfiguration(.warning)

public init() {}
Expand All @@ -22,36 +67,145 @@ public struct SortedImportsRule: ConfigurationProviderRule, OptInRule {
nonTriggeringExamples: [
"import AAA\nimport BBB\nimport CCC\nimport DDD",
"import Alamofire\nimport API",
"import labc\nimport Ldef"
"import labc\nimport Ldef",
"import BBB\n// comment\nimport AAA\nimport CCC",
"@testable import AAA\nimport CCC",
"import AAA\n@testable import CCC",
import EEE.A
import FFF.B
#if os(Linux)
import DDD.A
import EEE.B
import CCC
import DDD.B
import AAA
import BBB
triggeringExamples: [
"import AAA\nimport ZZZ\nimport ↓BBB\nimport CCC"
"import AAA\nimport ZZZ\nimport ↓BBB\nimport CCC",
"import DDD\n// comment\nimport CCC\nimport ↓AAA",
"@testable import CCC\nimport ↓AAA",
"import CCC\n@testable import ↓AAA",
import FFF.B
import ↓EEE.A
#if os(Linux)
import DDD.A
import EEE.B
import DDD.B
import ↓CCC
import AAA
import BBB
corrections: [
"import AAA\nimport ZZZ\nimport ↓BBB\nimport CCC": "import AAA\nimport BBB\nimport CCC\nimport ZZZ",
"import BBB // comment\nimport ↓AAA": "import AAA\nimport BBB // comment",
"import BBB\n// comment\nimport CCC\nimport ↓AAA": "import BBB\n// comment\nimport AAA\nimport CCC",
"@testable import CCC\nimport ↓AAA": "import AAA\n@testable import CCC",
"import CCC\n@testable import ↓AAA": "@testable import AAA\nimport CCC",
import FFF.B
import ↓EEE.A
#if os(Linux)
import DDD.A
import EEE.B
import DDD.B
import ↓CCC
import AAA
import BBB
import EEE.A
import FFF.B
#if os(Linux)
import DDD.A
import EEE.B
import CCC
import DDD.B
import AAA
import BBB

public func validate(file: File) -> [StyleViolation] {
let importRanges = file.match(pattern: "import\\s+\\w+", with: [.keyword, .identifier])
let groups = importGroups(in: file, filterEnabled: false)
return violatingOffsets(inGroups: groups).map { index -> StyleViolation in
let location = Location(file: file, characterOffset: index)
return StyleViolation(ruleDescription: type(of: self).description,
severity: configuration.severity,
location: location)

private func importGroups(in file: File, filterEnabled: Bool) -> [[Line]] {
var importRanges = file.match(pattern: "import\\s+\\w+", with: [.keyword, .identifier])
if filterEnabled {
importRanges = file.ruleEnabled(violatingRanges: importRanges, for: self)

let contents = file.contents.bridge()
let lines = contents.lines()
let importLines: [Line] = importRanges.flatMap { range in
guard let line = contents.lineAndCharacter(forCharacterOffset: range.location)?.line
else { return nil }
return lines[line - 1]

let importLength = 6
let modulesAndOffsets: [(String, Int)] = { range in
let moduleRange = NSRange(location: range.location + importLength,
length: range.length - importLength)
let moduleName = contents.substring(with: moduleRange)
.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).lowercased()
let offset = NSMaxRange(range) - moduleName.bridge().length
return (moduleName, offset)
return importLines.grouped()

private func violatingOffsets(inGroups groups: [[Line]]) -> [Int] {
return groups.flatMap { group in
return zip(group, group.dropFirst()).reduce([]) { violatingOffsets, groupPair in
let (previous, current) = groupPair
let isOrderedCorrectly = previous <= current
if isOrderedCorrectly {
return violatingOffsets
let distance = current.content.distance(from: current.content.startIndex,
to: current.importModuleRange().lowerBound)
return violatingOffsets + [current.range.location + distance]

public func correct(file: File) -> [Correction] {
let groups = importGroups(in: file, filterEnabled: true)

let corrections = violatingOffsets(inGroups: groups).map { characterOffset -> Correction in
let location = Location(file: file, characterOffset: characterOffset)
return Correction(ruleDescription: type(of: self).description, location: location)

let modulePairs = zip(modulesAndOffsets, modulesAndOffsets.dropFirst())
let violatingOffsets = modulePairs.flatMap { previous, current in
return current < previous ? current.1 : nil
guard !corrections.isEmpty else {
return []

return {
StyleViolation(ruleDescription: type(of: self).description,
severity: configuration.severity,
location: Location(file: file, characterOffset: $0))
let correctedContents = NSMutableString(string: file.contents)
for group in{ $0.sorted(by: <=) }) {
guard let first = group.first?.contentRange else {
let result = { $0.content }.joined(separator: "\n")
let union = group.dropFirst().reduce(first) { result, line in
return NSUnionRange(result, line.contentRange)
correctedContents.replaceCharacters(in: union, with: result)

return corrections
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Source/swiftlint/Commands/RulesCommand.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
// Copyright © 2015 Realm. All rights reserved.

// swiftlint:disable sorted_imports
import Commandant
#if os(Linux)
import Glibc
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