Realness is for churches, punks, and veterans: any organization whose core tenants are at odds with advertising-based social networking.
Realness web is the source code for This code is a tool for you to build and moderate your own social networks.
Learn more about the philosophy, architecture, how to contribute, or dive in and setup a Realness of your own.
From your favorite terminal
git clone
cd web
yarn install
Add a project from the firebase console. Bear in mind that the name you give your project will be it's url for your social network
Once your project is created you will want to enable phone authentication and file storage.
Click getting started from the authentication screen
Edit the configuration for phone
Enable and save
Click to get started from storage tab
Accept the default security rules (they will be configured with deploy)
Pick your region
Install firebase-tools, login, and deploy
yarn global add firebase-tools
firebase login
yarn deploy
Visit https://${project-name} You can # and invite your friends
Moderators are ideal contributors. Setting up an instance of realness is also setting yourself up to help. Please read our guidelines
We invite you to Join realness online if you are interested in contributing or getting some friendly technical support for Moderating
One instance of realness per human person. This human person is the moderator.
A moderator takes responsibility for the content that is created within their instance of Realness.
By moderating an instance of Realness you become part of a chain of responsibility that is diffuse. Each instance of Realness is a unique opportunity for users to negotiate norms with their moderator. This way, human beings can move between networks naturally; choosing a Realness that is a good fit for them.
It is the explicit goal of realness to create a democratic environment where people feel free to share and communicate yet it is clear whose ass is on the line for what gets said, organized, and done.
Currently package.json has the license field marked as UNLICENSED – This is because we are in an alpha phase of the product roadmap. We need to figure this license out.