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/ StoreKitCompanion Public archive

[Deprecated] A lightweight wrapper for Apple's StoreKit, written in Swift.


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A lightweight wrapper for Apple's StoreKit, written in Swift.

CI Status Language CocoaPods Compatible Carthage compatible Platform License



Add pod 'StoreKitCompanion' to your Podfile and run pod install.


Add github "Recisio/StoreKitCompanion" to your Cartfile.

Swift Package Manager

StoreKitCompanion is available on SPM. Just add the following to your Package file:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1)


Add StoreKitCompanion.swift to your project.


StoreKitCompanion lets you fetch products, launch payment transactions and send App Store Receipt data over the network for validation in a couple of lines of code.

Fetching Products

Fetching products is easy, call fetchProductsWithIdentifiers(_:completion:) and pass in a set of product identifiers. At a very minimum, also supply a completion closure to get the valid SKProduct objects returned. Optionally, supply a failure closure to handle errors.

StoreKitCompanion.sharedInstance.fetchProductsWithIdentifiers(["com.mycompany.MyKillerProduct"], completion: { products, invalids in
    print("Got products", products)
    print("Got invalids", invalids)


Before trying to buy something, you should check whether users are allowed to make payments. You can do so by calling canMakePayments().


Payments are submitted to the default payment queue (SKPaymentQueue.defaultQueue()) and StoreKitCompanion observes it. Whenever something happen on it, StoreKitCompanion sends notifications, and calls closures that you set.

// Provide a closure to be called when transactions are updated
StoreKitCompanion.sharedInstance.transactionsUpdateHandler = { queue, transactions in
    // Process transactions..
// Add a payment, quantity is 1 by default

Restoring previous transactions

You can restore completed transactions by calling restoreCompletedTransactionsWithUsername(_:).
You may also provide an optional username.
Callbacks that you set are called in response to the restoration request.


Validating the App Store Receipt

Details about App Store receipt validation can be found on Apple's website. While StoreKitCompanion doesn't perform any local validation (yet?) of the receipt, it let's you send it to a server for validation.

By default, StoreKitCompanion will send the data using a HTTP POST request, with a parameter named receiptData, but you can override those settings if you need to.

// First supply a validation URL, StoreKitCompanion will use it
StoreKitCompanion.sharedInstance.validationURLString = ""
// Send the data out
StoreKitCompanion.sharedInstance.sendReceiptWithPOSTRequest() { responseData, error in
    print("Got response", responseData)
    print("Got error", error)

To customize the way the receipt is sent, use sendReceiptWithDescriptor(_:completion:) and provide it with any object that adopts the ReceiptValidationRequestDescriptor protocol. Default values are already provided in a protocol extension, so override only what's needed.

struct MyRequestDescriptor: ReceiptValidationRequestDescriptor {

    // Name parameters differently or add parameters
    func parametersWithReceiptData(receiptData: NSData) -> [String: AnyObject]? {
        return ["best_param_name": receiptData, "new_param": "new_param_value"]


// Send the data out
StoreKitCompanion.sharedInstance.sendReceiptWithDescriptor(MyRequestDescriptor()) { responseData, error in
    print("Got response", responseData)
    print("Got error", error)



StoreKitCompanion watches the default payment queue and sends notifications :

    The name of the notification sent when the payment queue finished to restore completed transactions.
    User info dictionary contains a reference to the `SKPaymentQueue` object.
public static let PaymentQueueDidFinishRestoringCompletedTransactions  = "SKCPaymentQueueDidFinishRestoringCompletedTransactions"
    The name of the notification sent when transactions are updated.
    User info dictionary contains a reference to the `SKPaymentQueue` object and an array of `SKPaymentTransaction` objects.
public static let PaymentQueueDidUpdateTransactions                    = "SKCPaymentQueueDidUpdateTransactions"
    The name of the notification sent when transactions are removed.
    User info dictionary contains a reference to the `SKPaymentQueue` object and an array of `SKPaymentTransaction` objects.
public static let PaymentQueueDidRemoveTransactions                    = "SKCPaymentQueueDidRemoveTransactions"
    The name of the notification sent when downloads are updated
    User info dictionary contains a reference to the `SKPaymentQueue` object and an array of `SKDownload` objects.
public static let PaymentQueueDidUpdateDownloads                       = "SKCPaymentQueueDidUpdateDownloads"
    The name of the notification sent when the payment queue fails to restore completed transactions.
    User info dictionary contains a reference to the `SKPaymentQueue` object and a reference to the `NSError` object.
public static let PaymentQueueDidFailRestoringCompletedTransactions    = "SKCPaymentQueueDidFailRestoringCompletedTransactions"


Another way to handle payment queue events is to provide StoreKitCompanion with closures for those events :

public typealias CompletedTransactionsRestoreCompletion    = (SKPaymentQueue) -> Void
public typealias CompletedTransactionsRestoreFailure       = (SKPaymentQueue, NSError) -> Void
public typealias DownloadsUpdateCompletion                 = (SKPaymentQueue, [SKDownload]) -> Void
public typealias TransactionsUpdateCompletion              = (SKPaymentQueue, [SKPaymentTransaction]) -> Void
public typealias TransactionsRemovalCompletion             = (SKPaymentQueue, [SKPaymentTransaction]) -> Void

// ....

    Handles successful completed transactions restoration
public var completedTransactionsRestorationSuccessHandler: CompletedTransactionsRestoreCompletion?
    Handles completed transaction restoration failure
public var completedTransactionsRestorationFailureHandler: CompletedTransactionsRestoreFailure?
    Handles successful downloads restoration
public var downloadsUpdateSuccessHandler: DownloadsUpdateCompletion?
    Handles transaction updates
public var transactionsUpdateHandler: TransactionsUpdateCompletion?
    Handles transaction removals
public var transactionsRemovalHandler: TransactionsRemovalCompletion?

What's next

  • Handling transaction restoration
  • Validating App Store Receipt locally


  • If you found a bug, open an issue
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request


StoreKitCompanion is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


[Deprecated] A lightweight wrapper for Apple's StoreKit, written in Swift.







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Contributors 3
