experimental Ruby bindings for the HDF5 library
c2ffi $(pkg-config --cflags-only-I hdf5 | ruby -npe '$_.strip!.gsub!(/-I/, "")<<"/hdf5.h"') > hdf5.json
# c2ffi /usr/include/hdf5/serial/hdf5.h > hdf5.json
c2ffi4rb hdf5.json > lib/hdf5/ffi.rb
The auto-generated bindings require some minor manual modifications.
- All pull requests received will be merged unless there is detrimental code.
- If the pull request contains a bug, it still will be merged.
- The author can add a comment that there is a bug here, or revert the commit if the bug is critical.
- The author can add a commit to the pull request or send another pull request to fix the bug later.
- Development is a transition of code states.
- We pay more attention to transient events, the probability that new commitments will continue to occur, than to the quality of the code at a given point in time.
- Usually, High code quality is important to keep developers and users motivated.
- However, HDF5 binding for Ruby has not been maintained for a long time.
- This situation means that developer density is low and requires unusual strategies to maintain the project.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.