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GO code and example YAML files to deploy vDPA VFs in a container running in kubernetes.


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Example YAML files to deploy vDPA VFs in a container running in kubernetes.


VirtIO Data Path Acceleration (vDPA) is a technology that enables pods to use accelerated network interfaces without having to include vendor specific drivers. This is possible because vDPA-capable NICs implement the virtIO datapath. The vDPA Framework is in charge of translating the vendor-specific control path (that the NIC understands) to a vendor agnostic protocol (to be exposed to the application).

For an overview of the technology, read the vDPA overview blog post. More technical blog entries can also be read in the Virtio-networking series two.

Note that, apart from the vDPA kernel framework implemented in the linux kernel, there is another vDPA framework in DPDK. However, the DPDK framework is out of the scope of this repository for now.

This repo combines several other repos to enable vDPA VFs to be used in containers. The following diagram shows an overview of the end-to-end vDPA solution in Kubernetes:

More information about this solution can be found in the Design Document

As shown in the diagram, the Kubernetes vDPA solution will support both SR-IOV CNI (for legacy SR-IOV devices) and the Accelerated Bridge CNI (for switchdev devices). Currently, this repository focuses on using SR-IOV CNI

Quick Start

To leverage this repo, download this repo, run make all:

   make all

make all builds the following images/binaries:

  • sriov-device-plugin docker image: Located in the sriov-dp directory. This image takes the upstream SR-IOV Device Plugin and applies some local patches to enable it to work with vDPA as well. See sriov-dp.
  • sriov-cni binary and docker image: Located in the sriov-cni directory. To install the sriov-cni, the binary must be copied to the default CNI directory, typically /opt/cni/bin/. Alternatively, a DaemonSet can be deployed which will take care of doing that in all the nodes. See sriov-cni.
  • dpdk-app-devel docker image: This image contains a recent DPDK installation and some development utilities
  • dpdk-app docker image: This image contains a centos-based DPDK application powered by app-netutil that is able to run testpmd, l2fwd and l3fwd
  • multus image: This image deploys a multus binary that supports the Device-info spec.

If you don't want to build all the projects from source, docker images will be provided for convenience. See Docker Hub section

On multi-node clusters you might need to load the built images into the different nodes:

    ./scripts/ nfvpe/sriov-device-plugin user@HOSTNAME
    ./scripts/ nfvpe/sriov-cni user@HOSTNAME
    ./scripts/ nfvpe/multus user@HOSTNAME
    ./scripts/ dpdk-app-centos user@HOSTNAME

The following set of commands will deploy the images above.

    make deploy

Update configMap-vdpa.yaml to match local HW and then run

    kubectl create -f ./deployment/configMap-vdpa.yaml

Finally, some sample network-attachment-definitions are available in deployment

To deploy a sample application, see Sample Applications

Sample Applications

Once the SR-IOV Device Plugin and SR-IOV CNI have been installed, the application consuming the vDPA devices can be started. This repository will provide some sample applications:

  • single-pod: A simgle DPDK pod using a vDPA interface
  • vdpa-traffic-test: A simple test that deploys two pods that send packets to each other (using testpmd)
  • More TBD


The single pod application deploys a pod that runs testpmd on the vdpa device. The testpmd arguments can be modified in deployments/vdpa-single.yaml

To deploy the application run:

    kubectl apply -f deployment/vdpa-single.yaml

Inspect the logs with:

    kubectl apply logs -f vdpa-pod

Delete the application by running:

    kubectl delete -f deployment/vdpa-single.yaml


The traffic test deploys two pods using dpdk and app-netutil. One generates traffic and the other receives it.

In order to select where the generator and sink runs, node selectors are used.

First, add a label to the node you want the generator to run on:

    kubectl label node GEN_NODENAME vdpa-test-role-gen=true
    kubectl label node SINK_NODENAME vdpa-test-role-sink=true

Deploy the application by running:

    kubectl apply -f deployment/netAttach-vdpa-vhost-mlx-1000.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deployment/netAttach-vdpa-vhost-mlx-2000.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deployment/vdpa-dpdk-traffic-test.yaml

Delete the application by running:

    kubectl delete -f deployment/vdpa-dpdk-traffic-test.yaml
    kubectl delete -f deployment/netAttach-vdpa-vhost-mlx-1000.yaml
    kubectl delete -f deployment/netAttach-vdpa-vhost-mlx-2000.yaml

Two env variables can be used in the deployment file (deployment/vdpa-dpdk-traffic-test.yaml) to modify the behavior of the pod.

  • DPDK_SAMPLE_APP can be used to select between testpmd, l2fwd and l3fwd.
  • TESTPMD_EXTRA_ARGS can be used to add extra command line arguments to testpmd. For example "--forward-mode=flowgen". Those arguments will be appended to the default ones: "--auto-start --tx-first --stats-period 2"


This setup assumes:

  • Running on bare metal.
  • Kubernetes is installed.
  • Multus CNI is installed.
  • vDPA VFs have already been created and bound to vhost-vdpa driver

For reference, this repo was developed and tested on:


Supported Hardwared

This repo has been tested with:

  • Nvidia Mellanox ConnectX-6 Dx

Kubernetes-vDPA setup

To deploy the Kubernetes-vDPA solution, the following steps must be taken:

  • Install SR-IOV CNI
  • Create Network-Attachment-Definition
  • Create ConfigMap
  • Start SR-IOV Device Plugin Daemonset


The changes to enable the SR-IOV CNI to also manage vDPA interfaces are in this repository:

sriov-cni Image

To build SR-IOV CNI in a Docker image:

   make sriov-cni

To run:

   kubectl create -f ./deployment/sriov-cni-daemonset.yaml

As with all DaemonSet YAML files, there is a version of the file for Kubernetes versions prior to 1.16 in the k8s-pre-1-16 subdirectory.


The Network-Attachment-Definition define the attributes of the network for the interface (in this case a vDPA VF) that is being attached to the pod.

There are three sample Network-Attachment-Definition in the deployment directory. You can modify them freely to match your setup. For more information, see the SR-IOV CNI Configuration reference

The following commands setup those networks:

   kubectl create -f ./deployment/netAttach-vdpa-vhost-mlx.yaml
   kubectl create -f ./deployment/netAttach-vdpa-vhost-mlx-1000.yaml
   kubectl create -f ./deployment/netAttach-vdpa-vhost-mlx-2000.yaml

The following command can be used to determine the set of Network-Attachment-Definitions currently created on the system:

  kubectl get network-attachment-definitions
  NAME                      AGE
  vdpa-mlx-vhost-net        24h
  vdpa-mlx-vhost-net-1000   24h
  vdpa-mlx-vhost-net-2000   24h

The following commands delete those networks:

   kubectl delete -f ./deployment/netAttach-vdpa-vhost-mlx.yaml
   kubectl delete -f ./deployment/netAttach-vdpa-vhost-mlx-1000.yaml
   kubectl delete -f ./deployment/netAttach-vdpa-vhost-mlx-2000.yaml


The ConfigMap provides the filters to the SR-IOV Device-Plugin to allow it to select the set of VFs that are available to a given Network-Attachment-Definition. The parameter ‘resourceName’ maps back to one of the Network-Attachment-Definitions defined earlier.

The SR-IOV Device Plugin has been extended to support an additional filter that is used to select the vdpa type to be used: vdpaType. Supported values are:

  • vhost
  • virtio

The following example configMap creates two pools of vdpa devices bound to vhost-vdpa driver:


cat deployment/configMap-vdpa.yaml 
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: sriovdp-config
  namespace: kube-system
  config.json: |
        "resourceList": [{
                "resourceName": "vdpa_ifcvf_vhost",
                "selectors": {
                    "vendors": ["1af4"],
                    "devices": ["1041"],
                    "drivers": ["ifcvf"],
                    "vdpaType": "vhost"
                "resourceName": "vdpa_mlx_vhost",
                "selectors": {
                    "vendors": ["15b3"],
                    "devices": ["101e"],
                    "drivers": ["mlx5_core"],
                    "vdpaType": "vhost"

NOTE: This file will most likely need to be updated before using to match interface on deployed hardware. To obtain the other attributes, like vendor and devices, use the ‘lspci’ command:

lspci -nn | grep Ethernet
05:00.1 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:15fe]
05:00.2 Ethernet controller [0200]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio network device [1af4:1041] (rev 01)
05:00.3 Ethernet controller [0200]: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio network device [1af4:1041] (rev 01)
65:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Mellanox Technologies MT2892 Family [ConnectX-6 Dx] [15b3:101d]
65:00.1 Ethernet controller [0200]: Mellanox Technologies MT2892 Family [ConnectX-6 Dx] [15b3:101d]
65:00.2 Ethernet controller [0200]: Mellanox Technologies ConnectX Family mlx5Gen Virtual Function [15b3:101e]
65:00.3 Ethernet controller [0200]: Mellanox Technologies ConnectX Family mlx5Gen Virtual Function [15b3:101e]

The following command creates the configMap:

   cd $GOPATH/src/
   kubectl create -f ./deployment/configMap-vdpa.yaml

The following command can be used to determine the set of configMaps currently created in the system:

kubectl get configmaps  --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                                 DATA   AGE
kube-public   cluster-info                         2      5d23h
kube-system   coredns                              1      5d23h
kube-system   extension-apiserver-authentication   6      5d23h
kube-system   multus-cni-config                    1      5d23h
kube-system   sriovdp-config                       1      4h24m

The following command deletes the configMap:

   kubectl delete -f ./deployment/configMap-vdpa.yaml

SR-IOV Device Plugin DaemonSet

The changes to enable the SR-IOV Device Plugin to also manage vDPA interfaces are currently in this repository:

To build the SR-IOV Device Plugin run:

   make sriov-dp

To build from scratch:

   make sriov-dp SCRATCH=y

Deploy the SR-IOV Device Plugin by running the following command:

   kubectl create -f ./deployment/sriov-dp-daemonset.yaml

SR-IOV Device Plugin DaemonSet

The SR-IOV Device Plugin runs as a DaemonSet (always running as opposed to CNI which is called and returns immediately). It is recommended that the SR-IOV Device Plugin run in a container. So this set is to start the container the SR-IOV Device Plugin is running in.

The following command started the SR-IOV Device Plugin DaemonSet:

   cd $GOPATH/src/
   kubectl create -f ./deployment/sriov-vdpa-daemonset.yaml

To determine if the SR-IOV Device Plugin is running, use the following command and find the kube-sriov-device-plugin-amd64-xxx pod:

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   coredns-5c98db65d4-78v6k                1/1     Running   16         5d23h
kube-system   coredns-5c98db65d4-r5mmj                1/1     Running   16         5d23h
kube-system   etcd-nfvsdn-22-oot                      1/1     Running   16         5d23h
kube-system   kube-apiserver-nfvsdn-22-oot            1/1     Running   16         5d23h
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-nfvsdn-22-oot   1/1     Running   16         5d23h
kube-system   kube-flannel-ds-amd64-jvnm5             1/1     Running   16         5d23h
kube-system   kube-multus-ds-amd64-lxv5v              1/1     Running   16         5d23h
kube-system   kube-proxy-6w7sn                        1/1     Running   16         5d23h
kube-system   kube-scheduler-nfvsdn-22-oot            1/1     Running   16         5d23h
kube-system   kube-sriov-device-plugin-amd64-6cj7g    1/1     Running   0          4h6m

Once the SR-IOV Device Plugin is started, it probes the system looking for VFs that meet the selector’s criteria. This takes a couple of seconds to collect. The following command can be used to determine the number of detected VFs. (NOTE: This is the allocated values and does not change as VFs are doled out.) See

for node in $(kubectl get nodes | grep Ready | awk '{print $1}' ); do echo "Node $node:" ; kubectl get node $node -o json | jq '.status.allocatable'; done
  "cpu": "32",
  "ephemeral-storage": "859332986687",
  "hugepages-1Gi": "10Gi",
  "hugepages-2Mi": "0",
  " "0",
  "": "2",
  "memory": "120946672Ki",
  "pods": "110"
  "cpu": "32",
  "ephemeral-storage": "844837472087",
  "hugepages-1Gi": "10Gi",
  "hugepages-2Mi": "0",
  " "0",
  "": "2",
  "memory": "120950288Ki",
  "pods": "110"

Docker Hub

All the images have been pushed to Docker Hub. TBD

Known issues and limitations

Hugepage Cgroup

There is an issue inrecent kernels (>=5.7.0) that affects hugetlb-cgroup reservation. There are two ways of working arount this issue:

  • Build a kernel with the patch that fixes the issue
  • Disable hugepages in your applications. To do that, remove the hugepage mount and resource request in your pod deployment file and pass --no-huge to your DPDK app.


This is a POC that was built (after significant re-work) based on the work done for Kubecon 2019. This work can be seen in this repository's history and in the archive docs


GO code and example YAML files to deploy vDPA VFs in a container running in kubernetes.







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