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Using Specter Recursively
Specter is useful for navigating through nested data structures, and then returning (selecting) or transforming what it finds. Specter can also work its magic recursively. Many of Specter's most important and powerful use cases in your codebase will require you to use Specter's recursive features. However, just as recursion can be difficult to grok at first, using Specter recursively can be challenging. This guide is designed to help you feel at home using Specter recursively.
Table of Contents
- A Review of Basic Recursion
- Using Specter Recursively
- A Basic Example
- Advanced Recursion with Specter
- Applications
Before we review how recursion works with Specter, it might be worth a brief refresher on recursion more broadly. If you're familiar with this material, feel free to skip this section. But a brief review will allow us to separate reviewing the concept of recursion from learning how to combine that concept with Specter's functionality.
Most simple functions do not call themselves. For example:
(defn square [x] (* x x))
Instead of calling square
, itself, square
calls another function, *
or multiply. This, of course, serves the purpose of squaring the input. You don't always need recursion.
But sometimes you need a function to call itself - to recur. To take another example from mathematics, you need recursion to implement factorials. Factorials are equal to the product of every positive number equal to or less than the number. For example, the factorial of 5 ("5!") is 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120
Here is a simple implementation of factorials in Clojure:
=> (defn factorial [x]
(if (< x 2)
(* x (factorial (dec x)))))
=> (factorial 5)
Here, the function definition calls itself with the symbol factorial
. You still supply input - the value x - but producing the function's return value requires calling the function itself.
We can see that there are up to three elements to basic recursion:
- a name or symbol for the recursion point or function (defn function-name)
- optional input arguments
- the body of the recursion - what you do recursively - and, at some point, calling the function by its name
The main way that Specter enables recursion is through the parameterized macro, recursive-path
. recursive-path
takes the following form:
(recursive-path params self-sym path)
You can see that there are three arguments, which match onto our list above. (They are, however, in a different order.) The self-sym
is the name; the params
are the optional input arguments; and the path
is the body of the recursion. This path can be recursive, referencing itself by the self-sym
Rather than providing a recursive function, recursive-path
provides a recursive path that can be composed with other navigators. Accordingly, it is often useful - but not necessary - to define a recursive-path using def
, so that it can be called in multiple places, not just the place where you initially need it.
Suppose you had a tree represented using vectors:
=> (def tree [1 [2 [[3]] 4] [[5] 6] [7] 8 [[9]]])
You can define a navigator to all the leaves of the tree like this:
(recursive-path [] p
(if-path vector?
[ALL p]
allows your path definition to refer to itself, in this case using p
. This path definition leverages the if-path
navigator which uses the predicate to determine which path to continue on. If currently navigated to a vector, it recurses navigation at all elements of the vector. Otherwise, it uses STAY
to stop traversing and finish navigation at the current point. The effect of all this is a depth-first traversal to each leaf node.
Now we can get all of the values nested within vectors:
=> (select TREE-VALUES [1 [2 [3 4] 5] [[6]]])
[1 2 3 4 5 6]
Or transform all of those values:
=> (transform TREE-VALUES inc [1 [2 [3 4] 5] [[6]]])
[2 [3 [4 5] 6] [[7]]]
You can also compose TREE-VALUES
with other navigators to do all sorts of manipulations. For example, you can increment even leaves:
=> (transform [TREE-VALUES even?] inc tree)
[1 [3 [[3]] 5] [[5] 7] [7] 9 [[9]]]
Or get the odd leaves:
=> (select [TREE-VALUES odd?] tree)
[1 3 5 7 9]
Or reverse the order of the even leaves (where the order is based on a depth-first search):
=> (transform (subselect TREE-VALUES even?) reverse tree)
[1 [8 [[3]] 6] [[5] 4] [7] 2 [[9]]]
That you can define how to get to the values you care about once and easily reuse that logic for both querying and transformation is invaluable. And, as always, the performance is near-optimal for both querying and transformation.
More advanced recursion is possible with Specter. In particular, it is also possible to create mutually recursive paths with Specter - recursive paths that call each other within their bodies.
To learn how to do so, let's look at Specter's implementation of recursive-path
. As with much of Specter's functionality, recursive-path
is implemented with a macro. Accordingly, it uses the reader symbols syntax quote (`) and unquote (~).
is built with three basic elements: local-declarepath
, declarepath
, and providepath
(defmacro declarepath [name]
`(def ~name (i/local-declarepath)))
(defmacro providepath [name apath]
`(i/providepath* ~name (path ~apath)))
comes from the com.rpl.specter.impl
namespace (although you can also access it from the core Specter namespace). local-declarepath
lets you declare a path anonymously which can be provided later. But it can also be used in the meantime in other path definitions. As we will see, this is how recursion and mutual recursion are enabled.
simply assigns an anonymous path created by local-declarepath
to a var with def
. This works similarly to Clojure's built-in declare
macro. declare
calls def
on "the supplied var names with no bindings"; this is "useful for making forward declarations." (However, unlike Clojure's declare
, Specter's declarepath
only works on one name.)
supplies the full path, declared by declarepath
, rather than an empty, anonymous, and therefore useless path. Here is a simple, non-recursive example of declarepath
and providepath
being used in combination:
=> (declarepath SECOND)
=> (providepath SECOND [(srange 1 2) FIRST])
=> (select-one SECOND (range 5))
=> (transform SECOND dec (range 5))
(0 0 2 3 4)
Now we are ready to see the implementation of recursive-path
. Here is the source code:
(defmacro recursive-path [params self-sym path]
(if (empty? params)
`(let [~self-sym (i/local-declarepath)]
(providepath ~self-sym ~path)
(fn ~params
(let [~self-sym (i/local-declarepath)]
(providepath ~self-sym ~path)
uses a let-binding to associate an anonymous path with the provided self-sym
(just like declare-path
, but not assigned to a var). Then the specified is provided to that anonymous path with providepath
. Then the self-sym
is returned. If there are parameters, all of that is wrapped in an anonymous, navigable function that can take the appropriate parameters. In any case, recursive-path
returns the var associated with a path that calls itself.
Now that you know how recursive-path
is built, you can use that knowledge to implement your own recursive paths in Specter, without recursive-path
. Here is an example of how you can use declarepath
and providepath
to implement recursive paths without recursive-path
=> (declarepath DEEP-MAP-VALS)
=> (providepath DEEP-MAP-VALS (if-path map? [MAP-VALS DEEP-MAP-VALS] STAY))
=> (select DEEP-MAP-VALS {:a {:b 2} :c {:d 3 :e {:f 4}} :g 5})
[2 3 4 5]
=> (transform DEEP-MAP-VALS inc {:a {:b 2} :c {:d 3 :e {:f 4}} :g 5})
{:a {:b 3}, :c {:d 4, :e {:f 5}}, :g 6}
You can also use this pattern for creating mutually recursive paths. Here is an example of what that might look like:
=> (declarepath A)
=> (declarepath B)
=> (providepath A B)
=> (providepath B A)
This example, is, of course, useless (and non-terminating, and therefore harmful), but it shows how you would implement mutually recursive paths using Specter.
Here are some other examples of using Specter recursively with recursive-path
=> (def map-key-walker (recursive-path [akey] p [ALL (if-path [FIRST #(= % akey)] LAST [LAST p])]))
;; Get all the vals for key :aaa, regardless of where they are in the structure
=> (select (map-key-walker :aaa) {:a {:aaa 3 :b {:c {:aaa 2} :aaa 1}}})
[3 2 1]
;; Transform all the vals for key :aaa, regardless of where they are in the structure
=> (transform (map-key-walker :aaa) inc {:a {:aaa 3 :b {:c {:aaa 2} :aaa 1}}})
{:a {:aaa 4, :b {:c {:aaa 3}, :aaa 2}}}
You have a deeply nested map of maps:
(def data
{:a {:b {:c 1} :d 2}
:e {:f 3 :g 4}})
You want to recursively navigate this data structure and add a key-value pair to every map at every level. This example, MAP-NODES
, shows you how to do so:
=> (def MAP-NODES
(recursive-path [] p
(if-path map?
(continue-then-stay MAP-VALS p))))
=> (setval [MAP-NODES :X] 0 data)
{:a {:b {:c 1, :X 0}, :d 2, :X 0}, :e {:f 3, :g 4, :X 0}, :X 0}
illustrates how to combine recursive paths with continue-then-stay, which navigates to the provided path and then to the current element. This should also point to how you might use recursive paths with stay-then-continue, which navigates to the current element and then to the provided path.
This example comes from a Stack Overflow question.
=> (defn find-index-route [v data]
(let [walker (recursive-path [] p
(if-path sequential?
(if-path [LAST (pred= v)]
[(collect-one FIRST) LAST p])]))
ret (select-first walker data)]
(if (or (vector? ret) (nil? ret)) ret [ret])))
=> (find-index-route :my-key '(1 2 :my-key))
=> (find-index-route :my-key '(1 2 "a" :my-key "b"))
=> (find-index-route :my-key '(1 2 [:my-key] "c"))
[2 0]
=> (find-index-route :my-key '(1 2 [3 [:my-key]]))
[2 1 0]
=> (find-index-route :my-key '(1 2 [3 [[] :my-key]]))
[2 1 1]
=> (find-index-route :my-key '(1 2 [3 [4 5 6 (:my-key)]]))
[2 1 3 0]
=> (find-index-route :my-key '(1 2 [3 [[]]]))