REDUCE Computer Algebra System
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- reduce-algebra Public
reduce-algebra: a portable general-purpose computer algebra system, automatically mirrored from Please visit the REDUCE Homepage,, to report any bugs or request assistance.
reduce-algebra/reduce-algebra’s past year of commit activity - reduce.jl Public Forked from chakravala/Reduce.jl
reduce.jl: Symbolic parser generator for Julia language expressions using REDUCE algebra term re-writer, automatically mirrored from
reduce-algebra/reduce.jl’s past year of commit activity - homebrew-reduce-algebra Public
A macOS Homebrew tap for REDUCE, the portable general-purpose computer algebra system.
reduce-algebra/homebrew-reduce-algebra’s past year of commit activity - reducealgebra.jl Public Forked from JuliaReducePkg/ReduceAlgebra.jl
reducealgebra.jl: Meta-package for Reduce.jl and External Packages, automatically mirrored from
reduce-algebra/reducealgebra.jl’s past year of commit activity - reducelinalg.jl Public Forked from JuliaReducePkg/ReduceLinAlg.jl
reducelinalg.jl: A selection of functions that are useful in the world of linear algebra, automatically mirrored from
reduce-algebra/reducelinalg.jl’s past year of commit activity - run-reduce Public Forked from fjwright/Run-REDUCE
run-reduce: A JavaFX GUI to run the REDUCE Computer Algebra System, automatically mirrored from
reduce-algebra/run-reduce’s past year of commit activity - icas-bundled Public
icas-bundled: REDUCE scripts that are bundled with iCAS, a port of REDUCE to iOS, automatically mirrored from
reduce-algebra/icas-bundled’s past year of commit activity - reduce-native Public Forked from n0n3m4/ReduceNative
reduce-native: A native (well, not quite) code port of REDUCE CAS to Android
reduce-algebra/reduce-native’s past year of commit activity - dimsym Public
dimsym: Geometric and algebraic techniques for differential equations (with modelling applications); Symmetry Determination and Linear Differential Equation Package, mirrored from
reduce-algebra/dimsym’s past year of commit activity - redten Public
redten: A symbolic algebra package for REDUCE which provides tensor and tensor-like objects and manipulation functions for work in General Relativity, mirrored from
reduce-algebra/redten’s past year of commit activity