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dispatch while render? #1943

Answered by markerikson
arcanis asked this question in Q&A
Aug 18, 2022 · 1 comments · 1 reply
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No, never.

The use case of calling setState() while rendering only works because React special-cases that exact behavior. If it detects that you tried to do a setState() while rendering, it queues up that state update and immediately, synchronously re-runs the rendering for that component before continuing. That means that conceptually this can sorta be seen as "not actually a side effect", because the behavior is never visible to the outside world (similar to creating a new object/array in a function, mutating it, and then returning it - no one else ever saw it being mutated, so it's okay in that case).

With Redux, on the hand, dispatching an action while rendering is most definitely a s…

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