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刘小泽写于2021.10.27 |
题目:MACA: Marker-based automatic cell-type annotation for single cell expression data
目前细胞类型鉴定工具中,Support Vector Machine(SVM) 的准确性超过大多数监督注释方法
“Support Vector Machine” (SVM) is a supervised machine learning algorithm that can be used for both classification or regression challenges. However, it is mostly used in classification problems.
基于第一个问题(挑选marker基因耗费时间),有人做了数据库,专门收录这些基因,比如PanglaoDB, CellMarker涵盖了人和小鼠多种细胞类型的marker 基因;另外NeuroExpresso是大脑组织的marker基因数据库。
这个工具MACA,全称是marker-based automatic cell-type annotation,旨在解决细胞注释的速度和准确性
读入数据:single cell或者single nuclei RNA-Seq的表达矩阵
- 首先,结合marker数据库,使用raw count表达矩阵,计算每个细胞的cell-type score =》 将 gene expression matrix转换成cell-type score matrix
- 然后,对每个细胞分配细胞类型:将score最大的细胞类型对应到这个细胞 =》 Label 1 产生
- 同时,利用cell-type score matrix + Louvain community detection algorithm,将细胞聚类 =》 Label 2 产生(也就是某群细胞属于什么类型)
之后就是通过一系列统计知识,将Label1 和Label2利用起来:MACA records significant or at least the top-3 celltypes for each cell in cluster based on cell-type scores
- investigated 4 scoring methods that have been proposed to transform gene expression matrix to cell-type score matrix
- 2 public marker databases
- 6 single cell studies comprised of 3000 to 20000 cells
- 使用Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) and Normalized Mutual Information (NMI)进行评测
ARI & NMI are measuring similarity or agreement between our annotations and authors’ annotations
发现全部6个数据集中 annotations using PlinerScore with markers in PanglaoDB have the largest agreement。于是采用PlinerScore作为打分方法
利用PanglaoDB的marker,和CellAssign, SCINA, Cell-ID, and scCATCH比较
- MACA can finish annotation within 1 minute (cells around 3,000) and less than 2 minutes for a relatively large dataset (cells up to 20,000 cells)
- scCATCH and Cell-ID took longer than MACA
- SCINA took around 20-minute for a large dataset
- CellAssign took the longest time with > 20,000 cells due to lack of memory
- MACA labels cells had a higher consensus than CellAssign, SCINA, Cell-ID, and scCATCH
- 和作者的结果相似:MACA and scCATCH identify similar numbers of cell-types to author’s annotations