Simple TicTacToe game.
Runs on (tested on):
- ✓ Windows (8.1, x86 and 7, x64 )
- ✓ Mac OS (Yosemite and Mavericks)
- ✓ Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu Server 12.04)
Continuous Integration Server | Staging Environment | Production Environment
To generate a code coverage report use the command "./bin/code_coverage" without the quotation marks.
Use python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 within the folder "build/JacocoReport/jacocoHtml" to see the report in a browser.
You should be able to see the report in the your browser at
To generate a Selenium report use the command "./bin/selenium" without the quotation marks.
Use python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 within the folder "build/reports/tests/" to see the report.
To generate an unit test report use the command "./bin/unit_test" without the quotation marks.
Use python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 within the folder "build/reports/tests/" to see the report.