This is a very basic stress testing tool written in go.
Currently, it hits the requested amount of get requests in your domain / path with provided number of goroutines.
If you have go installed, you can simple run the main.go file or the whole package.
git clone
cd stresser
go build .
#If you want to install
go install .
Now you're ready to run the stresser.
#Local Build
Or you can use the docker image provided.
docker run regmicmahesh/stresser -h
You can check the help file by executing the given command.
❯ ./stresser -h
Usage of ./stresser:
-c int
Number of hits. (default 100)
-t int
Number of threads. (default 4)
-u string
URL (default "")
The help command is self explanatory.
Stress testing http://localhost with 1000 hits on 20 threads.
stresser -u http://localhost -c 1000 -t 20
Every minor/major contribution is welcomed and highly appreciated.