PyAfipWs contains Python modules to operate with web services regarding AFIP (Argentina's "IRS") and other government agencies, mainly related to electronic invoicing, several taxes and traceability.
Copyright 2008 - 2022 (C) Mariano Reingart (creator and maintainter). All rights reserved.
License: LGPLv3+, with "commercial" exception available to include it and distribute with propietary programs
- Main Project Site: (git repository)
- User Manual: ( (Spanish)
- Documentation: (Spanish/English)
- Commercial Support: (Spanish)
- Community Site: (Spanish)
- Public Forum: (community support, no-charge "gratis" access)
- Python library (a helper class for each webservice for easy use of their methods and attributes)
- PyAfipWs: OCX-like Windows Component-Object-Model interface compatible with legacy programming languages (VB, VFP, Delphi, PHP, VB.NET, etc.)
- LibPyAfipWs: DLL/.so compiled shared library (exposing python methods to C/C++/C#)
- Console (command line) tools using simplified input & ouput files (TXT, DBF, JSON)
- PyRece GUI and FacturaLibre WEB apps as complete reference implementations
- Examples for Java, .NET (C#, VB.NET), Visual Basic, Visual Fox Pro, Delphi, C, PHP.
- Minor code fragment samples for SAP (ABAP), PowerBuilder, Fujitsu Net Cobol, Clarion, etc.
- Modules for OpenERP/Odoo - Tryton
- Supported alternate interchange formats: TXT (fixed lenght COBOL), CSV, DBF (Clipper/xBase/Harbour), XML, JSON, etc.
- Full automation to request authentication and invoice authorization (CAE, COE, etc.)
- Advanced XML manipulation, caching and proxy support.
- Customizable PDF generation and visual designer (CSV templates)
- Email, barcodes (PIL), installation (NSIS), configuration (.INI), debugging and other misc utilities
- WSAA: authorization & authentication, including digital cryptographic signature
- WSFEv1: domestic market (electronic invoice) -English-
- WSMTXCA: domestic market (electronic invoice) -detailing articles and barcodes-
- WSCT: tourism (electronic invoice) -"tax free" VAT refund for tourists-
- WSBFEv1: tax bonus (electronic invoice)
- WSFEXv1: foreign trade (electronic invoice) -English-
- WSCTG: agriculture (grain traceability code)
- WSLPG: agriculture (grain liquidation - invoice)
- WSLTV: agriculture (green tobacco - invoice)
- WSLUM: agriculture (milk - invoice)
- WSLSP: agriculture (cattle/livestock - invoice)
- WSCDC: invoice verification
- Taxpayers' Registe: database to check sellers and buyers register
- COT: Provincial Operation Transport Code (aka electronic Shipping note)
- TrazaMed: National Medical Drug Traceability Program
- TrazaRenpre: Controlled Chemical Precursors Traceability Program
- TrazaFito: Phytosanitary Products Traceability Program
- Python 3.9 is recommended for new apps:
- Python 2.7 is still supported for legacy apps but compatibility will be removed soon
You could see the .github
directory for detailed workflows and automated commands to build the project.
These instructions are for Ubuntu/Debian. In Windows you can use PowerShell.
You can download the compressed file: and unzip it.
Then install dependencies and the project itself:
pip download
python -m zipfile -e .
cd pyafipws-main
pip install -r requirements.txt --user
python install
You'll need a digital certificate (.crt) and private key (.key) to authenticate (see certificate generation for more information and instructions). Provisionally, you can use author's testing certificate/key:
wget -O
python -m zipfile -e .
You should copy and configure rece.ini
to set up paths and URLs:
cp conf/*.ini .
Then, you could execute WSAA
script to authenticate (getting Token and Sign)
and WSFEv1
to process an electronic invoice:
python -m pyafipws.wsaa
python -m pyafipws.wsfev1 --prueba
With the last command, you should get the Electronic Autorization Code (CAE) for testing purposes (sample invoice data, do not use in production!).
The following commands clone the repository, creates a virtualenv and install the packages there (including the latest versions of the dependencies) to avoid conflicts with other libraries:
git clone
cd pyafipws
python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Run python py2exe
to build in windows and "compile" executables.
See the GitHub Actions for specific steps and more details.
Just execute pytest
to run automated Python tests.
For Windows, see tests/powershell
directory for Pester tests.
For SOAP webservices PySimpleSOAP is needed (spin-off of this library, inspired by the PHP SOAP extension):
git clone -b stable_py3k
cd pysimplesoap
python install
Use "stable_py3k" branch reingart (see requirements.txt
for more information)
For PDF generation, you will need the PyFPDF (PHP's FPDF library, python port):
git clone
cd pyfpdf
python install
On Windows, you can see available installers released for evaluation purposes on Download Releases
For more information see the source code installation steps in the wiki