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@timdorr timdorr released this 10 Nov 17:08
· 8472 commits to main since this release

The router changed a lot in this release. While you won't have to change too much of your app, you will have to change it in a lot of places. The fundamental change is that you, rather than the router, get to have control of your view instances.

If you find anything is missing from this list, please open an issue and we will get it added here ASAP.

React 0.12

You must upgrade to 0.12.x before you can use version 0.11.x of the

<Routes/> and starting the router

<Routes/> is gone, there is a new API that gives you complete control
of your views.

// 0.10.x
var routes = (
  <Routes location="history">
    <Route handler={App}>
      <Route name="dashboard" handler={Dashboard}/>

React.render(routes, el);

// 0.11.x
var routes = (
  <Route handler={App}>
    <Route name="dashboard" handler={Dashboard}/>
);, Router.HistoryLocation, function (Handler) {
  React.render(<Handler/>, el);

// or default to hash location, function (Handler) {
  React.render(<Handler/>, el);

this.props.activeRouteHandler() -> <RouteHandler/>

// 0.10.x
var Something = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    return (
        <this.props.activeRouteHandler />

// 0.11.x
var RouteHandler = Router.RouteHandler;

var Something = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    return (
        <RouteHandler />

this.props.params and this.props.query

They are no longer available on props, use the State mixin.

// 0.10.x
var Something = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    var name =;
    var something = this.props.query.something;
    // ...

// 0.11.x

// pass it down the view hierarchy to get the same lifecycle hooks to
// trigger as before, function (Handler, state) {
  React.render(<Handler params={state.params} query={state.query} />, el);
  // make sure to `<RouteHandler {...this.props}/>` to continue
  // passing it down the hierarchy

// or use the `State` mixin
var Something = React.createClass({
  mixins: [ Router.State ],
  render: function () {
    var name = this.getParams().name;
    var something = this.getQuery().something;
    // ...

// Also, if you're using a flux-style app, you can trigger a "transition"
// action in the `run` callback with the params/query in the payload, then
// subscribe in your handlers to the store that grabs the data.

ActiveState -> State, and methods too

This mixin's name has changed, and all of its methods that had the word
active in it, too. For example, getActiveParams() becomes getParams().

// v0.10.x
var Something = React.createClass({
  mixins: [ Router.ActiveState ],
  render: function () {
    var name = this.getActiveParams().name;
    // ...

// v0.11.x
var Something = React.createClass({
  mixins: [ Router.State ]
  render: function () {
    var name = this.getParams().name;
    // ...

CurrentPath -> State

You can find this.getPath() on the Router.State mixin.

// v0.10.x
var Something = React.createClass({
  mixins: [ Router.CurrentPath ],
  render: function () {
    var path = this.getCurrentPath();
    // ...

// v0.11.x
var Something = React.createClass({
  mixins: [ Router.State ],
  render: function () {
    var path = this.getPath();
    // ...

Route addHandlerKey prop

This option has been removed, you will need to add handler keys

// 0.10.x
<Route handler={App}>
  <Route addHandlerKey={true}/>

// 0.11.x
var App = React.createClass({
  mixins: [ Router.State ],

  getHandlerKey: function () {
    // this will all depend on your needs, but here's a typical
    // scenario that's pretty much what the old prop did
    var childDepth = 1; // have to know your depth
    var childName = this.getRoutes()[childDepth].name;
    var id = this.getParams().id;
    var key = childName+id;
    return key;

  render: function () {
    return (
        <RouteHandler key={this.getHandlerKey()} />

<Routes onError={fn}/>

<Routes/> is gone, instead create a router with your error handler as
an option:

// 0.10.x
<Routes onError={fn}>
  // ...

// 0.11.x
var router = Router.create({
  onError: fn,
  // ...


These methods have been removed because you, not the router, are in
control of rendering.

// v0.10.x
Router.renderRoutesToString(routes, path, function (html) {
 // do something with `html`

// v0.11.x, path, function (Handler) {
  var html = React.renderToString(<Handler/>);

Route Props Passed to Handlers

In 0.10.x you could add props to your route that would make their way
down to your handlers. While convenient, conflating routes with their
handlers was confusing to a lot of folks.

To get the same effect, you can either create your handlers with a
function and close over the information you need, or simply define those
properties on your handlers.

// 0.10.x
<Route name="users" foo="bar" handler={Something}/>

var Something = React.createClass({
  render () {
    return <div>{} {}</div>

// 0.11.x

// close over technique
<Route name="users" handler={makeSomething("users", "bar")}/>

function makeSomething(name, foo) {
  return React.createClass({
    render () {
      return <div>{name} {foo}</div>

// handler definition technique
<Route name="users" handler={Something}/>

var Something = React.createClass({
  foo: "bar",
  name: "users",
  render () {
    return <div>{} {}</div>