The editor can be found in the folder named "dist". The main file is a .jar executable. The application makes use of 3rd party libraries located in the folder "lib" and so the executable must be run from within the folder.
3rd party libraries: Java Universal Network/Graph Framework (
The editor can be used for creating (Pajek format), visualising (various layouts), editing and exporting (Pajek or image) of abstract argumentation frameworks.
Supported functionality: calculation of grounded, preferred and stable semantics; calculation of unidirectional and bidirectional framework splitting.
For unidirectional splitting: calculation of grounded, preferred and stable semantics. For bidirectional splitting: calculation of stable semantics.
Experimental evaluation of unidirectional splitting conducted on an earlier version of this application was published in "Splitting Argumentation Frameworks: An Empirical Evaluation" by R. Baumann, G. Brewka and R. Wong (Proceedings of the First International Conference on Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation, 2011, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-29184-5_2).
Experimental evaluation of bidirectional splitting was based on the present, 2nd, version of the application. The results were published in "An Implementation, Empirical Evaluation and Proposed Improvement for Bidirectional Splitting Method for Argumentation Framework Under Stable Semantics" by R. Wong (International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2018, doi: 10.5121/ijaia.2018.9402).