This repository show the code to remove the background of the pictures using the U2Net pre-trained model.
The application has three simple functions:
Remove the background, producing a transparent PNG file.
Change the background by another picture.
Combine the image and multiple backgrounds to augment the dataset.
Endpoint | Description |
http://localhost:8000/ | Front-end to perform background remove. |
http://localhost:8000/augmentation | Front-end to perform augment images. |
- Clone this repository
git clone
cd bg-remove-augment
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download the pre-trained model
gdown --id 1ao1ovG1Qtx4b7EoskHXmi2E9rp5CHLcZ -O ./ckpt/u2net.pth
- Start web-application
cd webapp
uvicorn app:app --host --port 8000
title = {U2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection},
author = {Qin, Xuebin and Zhang, Zichen and Huang, Chenyang and Dehghan, Masood and Zaiane, Osmar and Jagersand, Martin},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = {106},
pages = {107404},
year = {2020}