This is a set of example programs in Go (golang) to learn Go. The Go language is often referred to as golang to help searches.
- Install GO (
- Setup GOPATH (
- move to GOPATH : cd $GOPATH
- Build : go build go-playbook
- Run : ./go-playbook
- package : main.go , package.go
- import : main.go
- exported-name : main.go
- function, named return values : package go-playbook/function
- function values : function-values.go
- variables , short variable declarations: main.go
- constants : package go-playbook/function
- for : control/control.go
- switch : switch.go
- defer : defer.go
- pointer : pointer.go
- struct : struct.go
- struct literals : struct-literals.go
- array : array.go
- array slice : array_slice.go , making-slice.go , slice_literals.go, slice-len-cap.go
- interface : interface.go , interface-values.go , interfaces-are-satisfied-implicitly.go
- empty interface : empty-interface.go
- method : method.go
- range : range.go
- stringers : stringers.go
- error : error.go
- type switch : type-assertions.go
- concurrency : package concurrency
- oops : object-oriented-implementations.go
- http : http.go
- web : web-app-base.go
- time and date : time-date.go
- json : json.go
- The Go Programming Language Specification
- The Go Memory Model
- Go Concurrency Patterns
- Go Wiki
- Go Package
- Search for Go Packages
- Projects
- Dep management
- The Vendor Tool for Go
- This package is a sample with GORM and sqlite
- install GORM and go-sqlite3 (go get -u , go get
- Refer the orm/init.go for the implementation
corrections and any contributions are encouraged, please submit a pull request with your change or an issue for a bug or fix.
This set of examples assumes a certain level of programming experience and is intended for someone learning the Go language and not someone new to programming altogether.
The official site has a Tour of Go which is an interactive walk through, another good introduction to the language.
- A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
- Web Frameworks
- Micro Service
- Go ORM
- Go dependency management tool
- Gophers Slack Channel
- Why should you learn Go
- Memory Optimization In Golang
- Golang Guide: A List of Top Golang Frameworks, IDEs & Tools
- Exceptional Go