The Darknode CLI is a command-line interface for managing Darknodes on Ren. It is installed on your local workspace, and will automatically create and update machines for you. Currently it supports macOS, Linux and Window(see Windows Instructions).
To jump straight into running your first Darknode on AWS, checkout our Getting Started on AWS tutorial.
Checkout the instructions for Creating a Personal Access Token on Digital Ocean.
To download and install the Darknode CLI, open a terminal and run:
curl -sSfL | sh
This will download the required binaries and install them to the $HOME/.darknode
directory. Open a new terminal to begin using the Darknode CLI.
Before updating the Darknode CLI, please make sure you do not have the CLI running in any terminal.
To update your Darknode CLI, open a terminal and run:
curl -sSfL | sh
Note: make sure you are using Terraform version 0.12! To upgrade Terraform, download the executable for your operating system from and copy it to
This will update your Darknode CLI to the latest version without affecting any of your deployed nodes.
Here there be dragons!
These guidelines are for advanced users. If you just want to see what deploying a Testnet Darknode is like, checkout our Getting Started on AWS tutorial.
To deploy a Darknode on AWS, open a terminal and run:
darknode up --name my-first-darknode --aws --aws-access-key YOUR-AWS-ACCESS-KEY --aws-secret-key YOUR-AWS-SECRET-KEY
The Darknode CLI will automatically use the credentials available at $HOME/.aws/credentials
if you do not explicitly set the --access-key
and --secret-key
By default it will use the credentials of default
profile,but you can specify which profile you want to use for deployment by:
darknode up --name my-first-darknode --aws --aws-profile PROFILE-NAME
You can also specify the region and instance type you want to use for the Darknode:
darknode up --name my-first-darknode --aws --aws-access-key YOUR-AWS-ACCESS-KEY --aws-secret-key YOUR-AWS-SECRET-KEY --aws-region eu-west-1 --aws-instance t2.small
The default instance type is t3.micro
and region will be random.
You can find all available regions and instance types at AWS.
Follow the steps in the tutorial to create a API token. To deploy a Darknode on Digital Ocean, open a terminal and run:
darknode up --name my-first-darknode --do --do-token YOUR-API-TOKEN
You can also specify the region and droplet size you want to use for the Darknode:
darknode up --name my-first-darknode --do --do-token YOUR-API-TOKEN --do-region nyc1 --do-droplet s-2vcpu-2gb
The default droplet size is s-1vcpu-1gb
and region will be random.
Be aware some region and droplet size are not available to all users.
You can find all available regions and droplet size slug by using the digital ocean API.
The darknode-cli will show a link for registering your darknode after finish deploying. Don't panic if you lose the url. Simply run
darknode register YOUR-DARKNODE-NAME
which prints the registering link in the terminal and tries to open the url using your default browser.
WARNING: Before destroying a Darknode make sure you have de-registered it, and withdrawn all fees earned! You will not be able to destroy your darknode if it's not fully deregistered. The CLI will guide you to the page where you can deregister your node
Destroying a Darknode will turn it off and tear down all resources allocated by the cloud provider. To destroy a Darknode, open a terminal and run:
darknode destroy my-first-darknode
To avoid the command-line prompt confirming the destruction, use the --force
darknode destroy my-first-darknode --force
We do not recommend using the --force
argument unless you are developing custom tools that manage your Darknodes automatically.
To resize the instance type your Darknode is using, open a terminal and run:
If you are using AWS, you will need to replace the NEW_INSTANCE_TYPE
field with the AWS EC2 instance type you wish to use, e.g. t3.micro
or t2.medium
darknode resize YOUR-DARKNODE-NAME t3.small
You can find all available instance types at AWS.
If you are using DigitalOcean, you will need to replace the NEW_INSTANCE_TYPE
field with the DigitalOcean droplet slug you wish to use, e.g. s-1vcpu-2gb
or s-1vcpu-1gb
darknode resize YOUR-DARKNODE-NAME s-1vcpu-2gb
Changing droplet size will not change the storage volume of the instance, this allows user to resize down to a lower plan in the future. You can find all available droplet slugs at Digital Ocean Standard plans and DigitalOcean API Slugs
If you accidentally try to resize to a invalid instance, the darknode will be stopped. You need to run the command again with a valid instance type to restart the darknode.
The Darknode CLI supports deploying multiple Darknodes. To list all available Darknodes, open a terminal and run:
darknode list
To turn off your darknode, open a terminal and run:
darknode stop my-first-darknode
Note this won't shut down the cloud instance so you will still be charged by your cloud provider.
If it is already off, stop
will do nothing.
To turn on your darknode, open a terminal and run:
darknode start my-first-darknode
If it is already on, start
will do nothing.
To restart your darknode, open a terminal and run:
darknode restart my-first-darknode
To access your Darknode using SSH, open a terminal and run:
darknode ssh my-first-darknode
To update your Darknode to the latest stable version, open a terminal and run:
darknode update YOUR-DARKNODE-NAME
To update the configuration of your darknode, first edit the local version of config, by running:
nano $HOME/.darknode/darknodes/YOUR-DARKNODE-NAME/config.json
and now run:
darknode update my-first-darknode --config
To withdraw any ETH left in the darknode address, open a terminal and run:
Note: This will also withdraw any REN in the darknode address. Keep in mind this will only withdraw the ETH and REN the address holds directly, not the rewards it receives by matching orders.
If you want to run a specific command on your darknode. open a terminal and run:
darknode exec YOUR-DARKNODE-NAME --script "whoami"
or a script file
darknode exec YOUR-DARKNODE-NAME --file
You can set the GITHUB_TOKEN
environment variable to increase your github rate limit.