super cheap collectd interface for SHT21 temperature / humidity sensor, running on an ESP32 micropython enabled board. Because SHT21 can not measure air pressure, a Bosch BMP280 was added to get that value. However, as it can also measure temperature, you will get that value twice.
As an addition, a SH1106 based OLED was added to print out the measurements.
The LOLIN32 board I used has no direct way of measuring the battery level. What you can do though is to add a resistor divider between the ADC and the battery and measure the voltage. Or better: get a decent board which allows for that directly.
NOTE that this is rather a pile of breadboard based test scripts than a finished project ;)
should look like this:
essid = "<your essid>"
passphrase = "<your passphrase>"
host = "Hostname_that_has_NTP_and_Collectd"
hostname = "hostname of this device"
Attach GND, SDA, SCL, VCC from the ESP32 board to the two sensors.
tested with