HyraxLeaf is the base Hyrax application used by the Research Technologies team
- The environment variables used by docker when running the containers and by the rails application should be in file named .env
- For docker, copy the file .env.template to .env and change / add the necessary information
- For running the application without docker, setup the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES as you would normally do so (eg. .rbenv-vars)
Generate a new secret with:
rails secret
HyraxLeaf can be used stand-alone, but has been designed for use with a Ruby Gem containing customisations that are applied by running the gem install generator. An example of one such gem is hull_culture
The convention for using a gem is:
- clone the gem to
- add the gem to the Gemfile:
gem 'gem_name', path: 'vendor/gem_name'
- run the installer:
rails g gem_name:install
- optionally (if available), run the initialize generator on first run to run setup tasks like creating the default admin set:
rails g gem_name:initialize
Ensure you have docker and docker-compose. See notes on installing docker
To build and run the system in your local environment.
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/research-technologies/hyrax_leaf.git
Copy .env-template to .evn and review the environment variables carefully
Issue the docker-compose
command (add --build to build the images):
$ docker-compose up --build
You should see the rails app at localhost:3000 (if you set EXTERNAL_PORT to a different port, it will be running on that port)
As noted above, a Gem may be used to customise hyrax_leaf. If the GEM_KEY and GEM_SOURCE variables are set, docker-compose will perform the steps noted earlier.
If the GEM_SOURCE requires an ssh key, add the private key file to the docker folder and set SSH_PRIVATE_KEY to the path (eg. docker/id_rsa). Docker uses an intermediate image to ensure this key file is not included in the final docker image.
See the separate README in the /terraform