- Inria Nancy Grand-Est, France
- CNRS, France
- University of Lorraine, France
If you use our code for a scientific paper, please cite:
Chatzilygeroudis, K., Vassiliades, V., & Mouret, J.-B. (2018). Reset-free Trial-and-Error Learning for Robot Damage Recovery. Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
In BibTex:
title = {{Reset-free Trial-and-Error Learning for Robot Damage Recovery}},
journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
year = {2018},
volume = {100},
pages = {236 - 250},
issn = {0921-8890},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Chatzilygeroudis, Konstantinos and Vassiliades, Vassilis and Mouret, Jean-Baptiste},
- Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04 (and it should run on 16.04)
- DART simulator, (release-6.1 branch)
- Eigen 3,
- Boost
- ROS (Optional - only for the physical robot)
contains the implementation of a generic and lightweight C++14 library for Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithms
contains code for the low-level controller of the hexapod (both in simulation and real robot) and a URDF model of the hexapod needed for ROS/DART.hexapod_ros
contains code for controlling our custom physical hexapodhexapod_simu
contains a DART integration for our hexapod [requires hexapod_common]limbo
contains the limbo workspace for Reset-free Trial-and-Error algorithm. The actual code is in folderlimbo/exp/rte-hexa/
contains the sferes workspace for generating an action repertoire with the MAP-Elites algorithm. The actual code is in foldersferes/exp/map_elites_hexapod/
contains code for simulating simple velocity controlled differential drive robots.limbo
contains the limbo workspace for Reset-free Trial-and-Error algorithm. The actual code is in folderlimbo/exp/rte_mobile/
contains the sferes workspace for generating an action repertoire with the MAP-Elites algorithm. The actual code is in foldersferes/exp/map_elites_mobile/
- Install dependencies
export RESIBOTS_DIR=/path/to/workspace
cd path/to/hexapod_common/hexapod_models
./waf configure --prefix=$RESIBOTS_DIR
./waf install
cd path/to/hexapod_common/hexapod_controller
./waf configure --prefix=$RESIBOTS_DIR
./waf install
cd path/to/hexapod_simu/hexapod_dart/
./waf configure --prefix=$RESIBOTS_DIR
./waf install
cd path/to/mcts
./waf configure --prefix=$RESIBOTS_DIR
./waf install
- Install dependencies
export RESIBOTS_DIR=/path/to/workspace
cd path/to/libfastsim
./waf configure --prefix=$RESIBOTS_DIR
./waf install
cd path/to/mcts
./waf configure --prefix=$RESIBOTS_DIR
./waf install
cd path/to/sferes
for the hexapod andrte_mobile/sferes
for the mobile robot)./waf configure --exp name_of_experiment
./waf --exp name_of_experiment
can be eithermap_elites_hexapod
cd path/to/sferes
for the hexapod)./build/exp/map_elites_hexapod/hexa_position_text_position_only
- This will generate an action repertoire in
folder (*.bin files). Typical runs take 1-2 days in a cluster.
cd path/to/sferes
for the mobile robot)./build/exp/map_elites_mobile/mobile_text
- This will generate an action repertoire in
folder (*.bin files). Typical runs take a few hours in a cluster.
cd path/to/limbo
./waf configure --exp name_of_experiment
./waf --exp name_of_experiment
can be eitherrte-hexa
- If you have the physical hexapod append
-- robot
to both commands (requires ROS packages, e.g.hexapod_ros
cd path/to/limbo
for the hexapod)./build/exp/rte-hexa/rte_hexa_graphic_low_dim -m path/to/action_repertoire.bin -l exp/rte-hexa/test_maps/map_{0,1,2,3}.txt -i 5000 -k 0.0 -d 0.03 -p 4 -c 150 -r [list of leg indices to remove] -s [list of leg indices to shorten]
- We provide 2 sample action repertoires (
cd path/to/limbo
for the mobile robot)./build/exp/rte_mobile/rte_mobile_graphic -m path/to/action_repertoire.bin -l exp/rte_mobile/map_small.txt -p 4 -c 150 -a 0.5 -b 0.6 -i 5000 -v 30 -d 1
- We provide the action repertoires (
This version of code does not include the rough terrain experiments and the TEXPLORE baseline for the hexapod robot. Do not hesitate to contact the authors for details and/or this missing code.
Please contact Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis ( for any inquires or difficulties.