This app simulates a cloud VM such as EC2. It can receive some user-data for cloud-init and it will provision a QEMU VM. It can also monitor the VM state and other things.
To specify a cloud image different than bionic, set this env var:
export CLOUD_VM_IMG_PATH=$PWD/whatever.qcow2
If you want to expose ports from the guest
export EXPOSE_PORTS=32001,32002,5005,2375
With this, can even expose the Docker daemon port (2375) to build images on the guest docker.
DOCKER_HOST="localhost:2375" docker build .
For append options, set these variables (make sure you have a vmlinuz file or a valid kernel as well):
export KERNEL_APPEND="root=/dev/sda"
export KERNEL_VMLINUZ_PATH="./vmlinuz"
Then run cloud-vm-sim
or build it from source with cargo build --release
It will start a server on port 3000. To launch an instance, you can:
cat user-data.yml | curl -X POST localhost:3000/spawn_qemu/your-vm-name-here --data-binary @-
To ssh to your instance:
ssh -p `curl --silent localhost:3000/your-vm-name-here/ssh-port` user@localhost
To connect to the QEMU monitor or serial for the instance:
# monitor
socat -,echo=0,icanon=0 unix-connect:/tmp/qemu-monitor-your-vm-name-here
# serial
socat -,echo=0,icanon=0 unix-connect:/tmp/qemu-serial-your-vm-name-here