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bs-ATLAS-seq analysis


Script to call L1 insertions and their methylation levels in bs-ATLAS-seq experiments.

Citing bs-ATLAS-seq scripts

If you use this script in your work, please cite:

Lanciano, S, et al. (2023). Comprehensive locus-specific L1 DNA methylation profiling reveals the epigenetic and transcriptional interplay between L1s and their integration sites. bioRxiv, 2023.01.03.522582; doi:
[abstract] [full text]



Make sure to include the path to these programs in your $PATH variable by editing the appropriate file depending on your system (it could be ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc, or ~/.profile)


Note that <DOWNLOAD> is the name of the folder in which you have downloaded the repository.

  1. Download the project repository from GitHub:
wget '' -O <DOWNLOAD>/
mv bs-ATLAS-seq-main/ bs/
  1. Download a human reference genome (e.g. hg38):
mkdir -p bs/references/hg38
wget '' -O bs/references/hg38/hg38.fa.gz
gunzip bs/references/hg38/hg38.fa.gz
  1. Prepare repeatmasker file:
gunzip bs/annotations/hg38_rmsk_L1_repPercent.bed.gz
  1. Prepare Bismark human reference genome: Note that this can take several hours.
bismark_genome_preparation --verbose bs/references/hg38/
  1. Edit the file in the bs-ATLAS-seq/ folder according to your configuration


We provide annotation files (genes, reference L1s, ENCODE black-list) for hg38. If you want to use another assembly, you can use the LiftOver tool to convert coordinates in your favorite assembly.


usage: [options] -1 read1.fastq.gz -2 read2.fastq.gz -p prefix
	-h Print this help menu.
	-v What version of bs-atlas-seq_calling are you using?
	-o Output directory.
	-n Total read number threshold to call an insertion [default=3]
	-s Split read number threshold to call an insertion [default=2]
	-u Subsampling of input fastq file (no=1; or indicate fraction of reads to consider, e.g. 0.01) [default=1]
	-t Number of threads used for mapping [default=4]
	-c Activate cleanup (deletion of temporary files) [default=off]
	-d Configuration file [default=./]


The pipeline generates a number of files which are described below:

File name Description
<PREFIX> A copy of the script used to generate the data.
<PREFIX>.stats.txt A summary file with the number of reads, processed at each step, and the number of L1 detected.
<PREFIX>.log A log file with the information displayed on the screen while the script is running.
<PREFIX>.hg38.bam Alignment of the reads to the reference genome provided.
<PREFIX>.hg38.bai Index file of the .bam file.
<PREFIX>.all_L1.flanks_and_internal.hg38.bedGraph.gz BedGraph file with mCG levels.
<PREFIX>.all_L1.hg38.bed Bed file containing all called L1 as well as their average mCG level as score (5th column).
<PREFIX>.L1HS.hg38.bed Similar to <PREFIX>.all_L1.hg38.bed but filtered to keep only L1HS elements.
<PREFIX>.all_L1.hg38.html An .html file displaying the single-molecule profiles of methylation for each L1 locus identified. Can be opened with a web browser (tested with Chrome).
<PREFIX>.L1HS.hg38.html Similar to <PREFIX>.all_L1.hg38.html but filtered to keep only L1HS elements.


The output directory will be ~/Downloads/test_220923 and output files will all be prefixed with test_IMR90.. Here we use the subsampling -u option to use only 1% of the reads for testing purposes.

run the pipeline

./bs/scripts/ \
	-1 ~/Lab/bioinfo/data/bs-atlas-seq/180525_NB501350_0027_AH37TJBGX7/IMR90_S6_R1.fastq.gz \
	-2 ~/Lab/bioinfo/data/bs-atlas-seq/180525_NB501350_0027_AH37TJBGX7/IMR90_S6_R2.fastq.gz \
	-o ~/Downloads/test_220923 \
	-p test_IMR90 \
	-n 3 -s 1 -t 6 -u 0.01 \
	-d ~/Downloads/bs/

example of output files

  • .log file
[23-09-2022] [15:07:57] bs-ATLAS-seq analysis - Script v1.2.0
Command line: -1 /Users/gcristof/Lab/bioinfo/data/bs-atlas-seq/180525_NB501350_0027_AH37TJBGX7/
IMR90_S6_R1.fastq.gz -2 /Users/gcristof/Lab/bioinfo/data/bs-atlas-seq/180525_NB501350_0027_AH37TJBGX7/IMR
90_S6_R2.fastq.gz -o /Users/gcristof/Downloads/test_220923 -p test_IMR90 -n 3 -s 1 -t 6 -u 0.01 -d /Users
PE-sequencing data:
	- R1: /Users/gcristof/Lab/bioinfo/data/bs-atlas-seq/180525_NB501350_0027_AH37TJBGX7/IMR90_S6_R1.f
	- R2: /Users/gcristof/Lab/bioinfo/data/bs-atlas-seq/180525_NB501350_0027_AH37TJBGX7/IMR90_S6_R2.f
Ref genome:
	- hg38: /Users/gcristof/Downloads/bs/references/hg38/hg38.fa
	- test_IMR90
1  - Data loading with subsampling to 0.01 fraction of sequences...Done
2  - Read trimming...Done
3  - Mapping R2 to L1...Done
4  - Mapping PE reads to hg38...Done
5  - Mapping discordant R1 reads to hg38...Done
6  - Identify split R1 reads...Done
7  - Merge all reads...Done
8  - Call reference L1 elements...Done
9  - Call non-reference L1 elements...Done
10 - Call CpG methylation for reference L1 elements...Done
11 - Call CpG methylation for non-reference L1 elements...[bam_merge] File '/Users/gcristof/Downloads/test_220923/temp/test_IMR90.R2toL1HS.nonref-L1HS.filtered.bam' exists. Please apply '-f' to overwrite. Abort.
12 - Calculate methylation patterns and entropy for each L1 locus...Done
13 - Generate bedGraph files for CpG upstream of called L1 loci...Done
14 - Annotate identified L1 elements...Done
Sample	test_IMR90
Unprocessed reads	285697
Trimmed reads	187827
Mapped to L1	133817
Mapped to hg38 as PE	98357
Mapped to hg38 as SE	899
Total mapped to hg38	99256
Deduplicated mapped reads	65873
Called L1 unfiltered	4687
- including L1HS	388
- including nonref L1HS	21
Called L1 filtered	3910
- including L1HS	358
-- including nonref L1HS	21
L1 with methylation call	3877
- including L1HS	358
-- including nonref L1HS	21
[23-09-2022] [15:15:10] 	Running time: 00:07:13 (hh:mm:ss)
  • .stats.txt file
Sample	test_IMR90
Unprocessed reads	285697
Trimmed reads	187827
Mapped to L1	133817
Mapped to hg38 as PE	98357
Mapped to hg38 as SE	899
Total mapped to hg38	99256
Deduplicated mapped reads	65873
Called L1 unfiltered	4687
- including L1HS	388
- including nonref L1HS	21
Called L1 filtered	3910
- including L1HS	358
-- including nonref L1HS	21
L1 with methylation call	3877
- including L1HS	358
-- including nonref L1HS	21
  • .L1HS.hg38.bed file
chr start end name mCG_frac strand family ref read_count mCG_count CG_count ME closest_gene
chr1 34566055 34572105 chr1:34566055-34572105:-:L1HS:REF:98:14 0.766667 - L1HS REF 14 138 180 0.247489 .
chr1 67078891 67084915 chr1:67078891-67084915:-:L1HS:REF:98:15 0.961722 - L1HS REF 15 201 209 0.155997 C1orf141
chr1 105315153 105315155 chr1:105315153-105315155:-:L1HS:NONREF:100:11,4,3 0.876712 - L1HS NONREF 11 128 146 0.246943 .
Field Description
chr chromosome
start start coordinate
end end coordinate
name name of the L1 insertion built as chr:start-end:strand:​family:ref:L1 length (% consensus):read_count [, softclipped read count, split read count for NONREF insertions]
mCG_frac average L1 DNA methylation. $mCG_{frac} = {{mCG_{count}} \over {CG_{count}}}$
strand L1 orientation
family L1 family (e.g. L1HS, L1PA2, L1PA3, etc)
ref REF for reference insertions; NONREF for non-reference insertions
read_count number of reads supporting the L1 insertion
mCG_count number of methylated CpGs
CG_count total number of CpGs (both methylated and unmethylated)
ME an estimate of methylation entropy (see Xie H. et al. Nucleic Acids Res 2011)
closest_gene name of the closest gene in a 10 kb-window (a dot if none)
  • .L1HS.hg38.html file (can be opened with a web browser)

Screenshot for the .L1HS.hg38.html file