Official Repository for the paper on FrankenSplit: Efficient Neural Feature Compression with Shallow Variational Bottleneck Injection for Mobile Edge Computing
If you find this work interesting, please check the follow up
- Create virtual environment and install dependencies (requirements.txt). 2. Optionally: Install cupy for (significantly) faster cam map generation. The required package depends on your cuda version and you can find more information here.
- Download the ImageNet dataset (We cannot directly link to it) and execute the script below
wget ./
wget ./
mkdir ~/dataset/ilsvrc2012/{train,val} -p
mv ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar ~/resources/datasets/ilsvrc2012/train/
mv ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar ~/resources/datasets/ilsvrc2012/val/
cd ~/resources/datasets/ilsvrc2012/train/
tar -xvf ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar
mv ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar ../
for f in *.tar; do
d=`basename $f .tar`
mkdir $d
(cd $d && tar xf ../$f)
rm -r *.tar
cd ../../../../../
mv ~/resources/datasets/ilsvrc2012/val/
cd ~/resources/datasets/ilsvrc2012/val/
tar -xvf ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar
mv ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar ../
mv ../
cd ../../../../../
- Set PYTHONPATH as repository root
- Optional: For saliency guided distortion create CAM maps:
python saliency_maps/cam_prep/ --model swin_s3_base_224 --input ~/resources/datasets/ilsvrc2012/train --output resources/dataset/tmp --batch_size 16 --device cuda:0 --mix_layers --saliency_type XGradCAM --eigen_smooth --patch_cam --target_dim 28
4. Set batch size as memory permitting 5. The models are loaded from torch image models (timm). You can replace swin_s3_base_224 with other target models that are present in the timm registry. 6. To pass custom weights for a timm model use --weights_pathpath/to/weights
7. There are some other options, but they are not relevant to the experiments in the paper - Optional: Download some pre-trained weights from: TODO
To train from scratch: python --config path/to/config --skip_ckpt
To test with pre-trained weights: python --config path/to/config --test_only
(make sure that the weights are found)
- I've removed most code that was out of scope to include in the paper to avoid confusion but there are still some references to unpublished implementations/results. Specifically, this repository was created by extracing relevant parts into its own Repository.
- This was the first time I worked on a large PyTorch project and it started with me hacking some ideas together. I've understimated, the scope and times things need to be updated and extended, so the repository is a bit of a mess. I'll clean things up iteratively and include more detailed instructions over time. For now, if you need my assistance with anything, feel free to write me a mail at
- Check out torchdistill (It's awesome!) for documentation on how configurations are loaded and how you can adjust them if you want to perform your own experiments
title={FrankenSplit: Efficient Neural Feature Compression with Shallow Variational Bottleneck Injection for Mobile Edge Computing},
author={Alireza Furutanpey and Philipp Raith and Schahram Dustdar},
- Matsubara, Yoshitomo. "torchdistill: A modular, configuration-driven framework for knowledge distillation." Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition: Third International Workshop, RRPR 2021, Virtual Event, January 11, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
- Matsubara, Yoshitomo, et al. "SC2: Supervised compression for split computing." arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.08875 ( 2022).
- Wightman, Ross. "Pytorch image models." (2019).
- Bégaint, Jean, et al. "Compressai: a pytorch library and evaluation platform for end-to-end compression research." arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.03029 (2020).
- Gildenblat, Jacob. "contributors. Pytorch library for cam methods." (2021).
- Ballé, Johannes, et al. "Variational image compression with a scale hyperprior." arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.01436 ( 2018).
- Minnen, David, Johannes Ballé, and George D. Toderici. "Joint autoregressive and hierarchical priors for learned image compression." Advances in neural information processing systems 31 (2018).