This website is a cryptographic playground to play with, test and learn about cryptography.
It runs all cryptographic operations in the browser utilising SubtleCrypto API, PKIJS and ASN1JS as well as Go.
- AES Key Generation.
- RSA Key Generation.
- ECDSA Key Generation with NIST P-256 P-384 and P-521 curve support.
- PKCS10/CSR Generation with custom Subjects and SANs, with ECDSA, RSA-PSS and RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signatures.
- x509 Certificate Generation/Signing with custom key/cert.
- HKDF Key Derivation.
- PBKDF2 Key Derivation.
- ECDH Key agreement with P-256 P-384 and P-521 curve support.
- Ed25519 Key agreement with Curve25519 curve support.
- AES-CBC Encrypt/Decrypt.
- AES-GCM Encrypt/Decrypt.
- RSA-OAEP Encrypt/Decrypt.
- AES-GCM with additional authenticated data AEAD.
- File encryption support (output is base64, needs file download option).
- RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 Sign/Validate.
- RSA-PSS Sign/Validate.
- ECDSA Sign/Verify with NIST P-256 P-384 and P-521 curve support.
- HMAC support.
- File signing support.
- SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 support.
- MD5 support.
- File hashing support.
- Base64 support.
- Hex support.
- ASCII support.
- File support.
- PKCS7 support.
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Francesco Gorini - -
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