DEPRECATED We no longer provide support for this extension. Feel free to fork.
Let the mock engine that you want coming to help you in your behat tests by mocking the Symfony services.
- dev-master : Behat 2.5.x
- dev-behat3 : Behat 3.0.x
1 - Declare to use the extension in your behat.yml
Rezzza\MockExtension\Extension: ~
2 - Implements Rezzza\MockExtension\MockAware
interface on your context.
3 - Override AppKernel::getContainerBaseClass
protected function getContainerBaseClass()
if ('test' == $this->environment) {
return 'Rezzza\MockExtension\MockContainer';
return parent::getContainerBaseClass();
In your context create mock for your services :
use Rezzza\MockExtension\Adapter\AtoumAdapter;
$mockGoutte = $this->mocker->mockService(
new AtoumAdapter('\Behat\Mink\Driver\Goutte\Client')
Then follow the instructions of your mock engine to use the result
If you want to see your prefered mock engine, you can make a PR by creation the adapter.
It just needs to follow Rezzza\MockExtension\MockEngine
Initial concept come from :
but Mockery drives me crazy...