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Releases: rfetick/MPU6050_light

Version 1.2.1

30 May 13:04
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  • [new feature] Add possibility to modify address, allowing multiple MPU6050 to be connected

Version 1.2.0

25 Jan 21:05
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  • [new feature] The library manages upside-down mounted device (see Issue #6)
  • [bug fix] X and Y angles are correctly wrapped in the ranges [-180,180]° and [-90,90]° (see Issue #4)
  • [bug fix] Modified calling sequence to MPU6050 registers at begin (see Issue #1)


The last bug fix might solve the compatibility issue that was previously experienced on ESP32 (to be confirmed)

version 1.1.0

15 Nov 13:43
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  • Possibility to compute gyroscopes and/or accelerometers offsets
  • Possibility to modify the gyroscope or accelerometer sensitivity configurations on the MPU6050 device
  • Possibility to change the complementary filter coefficient after initialisation
  • Improved documentation within a dedicated PDF file

Warning: loss of compatibility

  • Does not support any more the begin(float filter_coeff) method. Now the method can only be called as begin( ) for a default sensitivity configuration, or begin(int gyro_config, int acc_config) for a manually defined sensitivity configuration (see above the second bullet point of changes)

version 1.0.0

14 Mar 13:37
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First release. Codes are based on MPU6050_tockn library. It has been modified for readability, speed and robustness.