Yaesu FT-991A Amateur Radio Transceiver Articles Trove Here's a compilation of a few materials that I have produced - hope it is of help. Getting to know it FT-991A Menu System Explained Understanding FT-991A DSP, DNR and other filters How and why does Power settings differs across different modes and bands? Fix USB/CAT Driver in Yaesu Equipments Getting to know the internal Antenna Tuner What is and how to use Band Stacking and QMB Memories What is ALC? How to Use and Control it? Beyond the basics Configuring FT 991A for native FSK RTTY mode Connecting a Straight Key in FT 991A Rear Port Sharing your CAT port between other programs Discovering (and using) a built-in second CAT port in your FT-991A Embedding an Panadapter to your FT-991A Using your PC to control your FT-991A and mix the audio Do-It-Yourself the FH-2 Remote Control A timer to keep your long QSOs under reins FT-991A Automatic Tuner Grounding Issues Using FT-991A Filters for a better FT8 operation FT-991A PTT and Audio Routing FT-991A Fan Modification Configuring FT 991A for Phone DX Doing 60M FT8 with FT-991A Configuring the FT-991A for 9600 bps FM packet FT-991A Intermittent and fading audio in internal speaker Configuring the FT-991A and GPredict for ISS and Satellite Tracking Exploring extended functionalities not covered by CAT commands using SPR and SPW commands Improving the UHF/VHF reception Ramblings FT-991A Front-End Preselectors (pre-BPF) FT-991A DSP, filters and noise treatment My FT-991A review and impressions What's the use of the "Standard" COM port? Deafened FT991/A after exposed to nearby QRO transmitting station FT-991A Duty Cycle Characterizing the FT 991A USB audio processing latency when traversing a PC FT 991A as an APRS Digipeater Videos What is and how to use Band Stacking and QMB Memories Sharing FT-991A COM port using VSPE Configuring Odd-Split Memories (the DUP functionality) FT-991A Panadapter insertion loss test Demonstrating FT-991A DSP, Filters and DNR CAT and Audio control with VoiceMeeter Banana Yaesu FT-710 Amateur Radio Transceiver Articles Getting to know it Review: FT-710 under the perspective of a FT-991A user Fixing minor FT-710 out-of-the-box nuisances 73 de PY2RAF.