scraper-notebook is a community maintained Jupyter Docker Stack image that aims to provide an environment suitable for web scraping development - including web driver, requests and others (see Dockerfile for details)
Run like any standard JupyterLab docker noteboooks:
docker run -p8888:8888 rgriffogoes/scraper-notebook
Or with persistent storage and as a Daemon:
docker run -p8888:8888 -d -v ~/notebook:/home/jovyan/work rgriffogoes/scraper-notebook
If you are having issues with web driver scraper and "big" pages, set the shm size:
docker run -p8888:8888 -d -v ~/notebook:/home/jovyan/work --shm-size=512mb rgriffogoes/scraper-notebook
Or yet with a Docker compose file:
version: "3"
image: rgriffogoes/scraper-notebook
container_name: scraper-notebook
- .env
- 8888:8888
- ~/notebook:/home/jovyan/work
restart: unless-stopped
shm_size: '256mb'
And accompanying .env file for simple+insecure password (fine for secure local instances - and no log reading for getting token):
This project is developed with the helpful guide of Jupyter Docker Stacks. The base container is jupyter/minimal-notebook and this Community Stack is setup via the guide.