is a CLI tool to search and open documentation for Crystal language.
Please download a binary from release page (OS X only) or build
$ cd /your/favorite/directory/
$ git clone && cd crdoc
$ git submodule update
$ crystal build --release bin/
$ cp crdoc /your/favorite/bin
crdoc search [-f] KEYWORD...
crdoc api [-f] KEYWORD...
crdoc syntax_and_semantics [-f] KEYWORD...
crdoc list [-p|--path] [-a|--api] [-s|--syntax-and-semantics]
crdoc update
searches all documents with keyword(s) and show the result in browser.api
searches API document with keyword(s) and show the result in browser.syntax_and_semantics
searches 'syntax and semantics' document with keyword(s) and show the result in browser.list
shows list of candidates. When--path
is specified, it shows full paths to HTML documents instead.update
updates cached repository.
If you want to search documents incrementally, awesome filtering tools are available. You can use them as below (OS X example)
$ open "$(crdoc list --path | peco)"
$ open "$(crdoc list --path | percol)"
If you often use these commands, it is also handy to make a function or an alias. Below is a Zsh & peco example.
function peco-crdoc() {
local open
case $OSTYPE in
local selected=$(crdoc list --path | peco --prompt 'crdoc >' --query "$LBUFFER")
if [ -n "$selected" ]; then
$open "${selected}"
zle clear-screen
zle -N peco-crdoc
- Show markdown document in CLI instead of opening with browser
- 'syntax and semantics' markdown documents already exists
- It is necessary to generate markdown document from inline documents in comment
- Add
option to preserve current features
- Ignore-case match
- Crystal v0.11.0
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- @rhysd - creator, maintainer