It allows one to manage GeoJSON properties (attribute data) and provides several useful GIS operations for thematic cartography.
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1.2. In Observable
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geo = require("geotoolbox");
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geo = require("geotoolbox@1.9");
Find a demo of all functions here.
_Here we are talking about some basic functions which are useful for handling attribute data. Example.
add allows adding a new field in the attribute table. This function returns a new object and does not modify the initial object.{
x: world, // a GeoJSON object
field: "gdppc", // new colname (string)
expression: "gdp/pop*1000" // a string containing an expression
head allows getting the n top values from a given field. This function returns a new object and does not modify the initial object.{
x: world, // a GeoJSON object
field: "gdp", // a colname (string)
nb: 5 // default:10. Number of features to get. Here, the 5 richest countries.
keep allows selecting one or several columns to keep in the attribute table. All other columns are deleted. This function returns a new object and does not modify the initial object.{
x: world, // a GeoJSON object
field: ["ISO3", "pop2020"] // colname(s) (string or array of strings)
remove allows removing one or several columns in the attribute table. This function returns a new object and does not modify the initial object.{
x: world, // a GeoJSON object
field: ["tmp", "FID"] // colname(s) (string or array of strings)
select allows filtering a GeoJSON FeatureCollection by its attribute table. This function returns a new object and does not modify the initial object.{
x: world, // a GeoJSON object
expression: "pop2022 >= 100000" // an expression (string)
subset allows creating a subset from an array of values. This function returns a new object and does not modify the initial object.{
x: world, // a GeoJSON object
field: "ISO3", // colname (string)
selection: ["USA", "CAN", "MEX"], // values to be kept. Here, North American countries
inverse: false // default: false. If true, all countries except USA, CAN and MEX are kept
table allows getting a GeoJSON FeatureCollection attribute table. // a GeoJSON object
tail allows getting the n bottom values from a given field. This function returns a new object and does not modify the initial object.{
x: world, // a GeoJSON object
field: "gdp", // a colname (string)
nb: 5 // default:10. Number of features to get. Here, the 5 least wealthy countries
Here we are talking about some basic functions which are useful for thematic maps, based on topojson, d3geo and jsts.
aggregate allows merging geometries based on their topology. To merge polygon geometries, see union
. Example
geo.aggregate(world) // a GeoJSON object
With options, you can compute an aggregate by id.
continents = geo.aggregate(
world, // a GeoJSON object
id: "continent" // ids
bbox allows returning a geographic bounding box as GeoJSON from a GeoJSON or an array defining a bounding box [[left, bottom], [right, top]]
. This function is based on Jacob Rus code. Example
geo.bbox(world) // a GeoJSON object
border allows extracting boundaries from a GeoJSON object (polygons). With options, you can get ids and calculate discontinuities. Example
geo.border(world) // a GeoJSON object
With options:
world, // a GeoJSON object
id: "ISO3", // ids
values: "pop", // values
type: "abs", // type of discontinuities calculated: rel (relative), abs(absolute) (default:"rel")
share: 0.8 // share of kept borders (default: null for all)
buffer allows building a buffer from points, lines or polygones. The distance is in kilometers.
geo.buffer(geojson, { dist: 1000 }) // 1000 km
The distance
value can also be contained in a GeoJSON field (in the properties). In this case, you just have to indicate the name of this field.
geo.buffer(geojson, { dist: "a field" }) // a field in properties
The merge option allows merging all the output buffers.
geo.buffer(geojson, { dist: 1000, merge:true })
The clip
option prevents the buffers from sticking out of the world outline. Not having coordinates that exceed [-90, 90] in latitude and [-180, 180] in longitude is necessary for the d3.js projection functions to work properly.
geo.buffer(geojson, { dist: 1000, clip:true })
The step
option allows defining the precision of the buffer (default:8)
geo.buffer(geojson, { dist: 1000, step:1 })
You can use wgs84=false
if your GeoJSON is not in wgs84. In this case, the distance will be given in the map coordinates.
geo.buffer(geojson, { dist: 1000, wgs84:false })
clip allows clipping geometries. Example
geo.clip(geojson1, {clip:geojson2})
With the option reverse:true, you can do a difference operation.
geo.clip(geojson1, {clip:geojson2, reverse: true})
You can also define a buffer in km around the clip.
geo.clip(geojson1, {clip:geojson2, buffer: 100})
centroid allows computing centroids from polygons. Example
geo.centroid(world) // a GeoJSON (polygons) object
By default, the centroid is placed in the largest polygon. But you can avoid it.
world, // a GeoJSON object
largest: false // largest polygon. true/false (default: true)
It may happen that the coordinates of your base map are not in latitudes and longitudes, but already projected. In this case you can use the option planar = true
world, // a GeoJSON object
largest: false, // largest polygon. true/false (default: true)
planar: true // if geometries are already projected
coords2geo allows building a GeoJSON object from a table with lat,lng coordinates. Example
data, // a json object
lat: "lat", // the field containing latitude coordinates (you can use also `latitude`)
lng: "lon" // the field containing longitude coordinates (you can use also `longitude`)
This function works also if coordinates are stored in a single field.
data, // a json object
coords: "Coordinates" // the field containing coordinates separated by a comma or other separator. Coordinates in wkt format are also accepted.
For an even simpler automatic use, you don't have to specify the name of the variables containing the coordinates. If your data table contains the following fields (lat
, latitude
, lon
, longitude
, coords
, coordinates
, coordinate
), they are automatically selected. It is convenient, but for a better control and a faster calculation, it is still better to define where the coordinates are.
geo.coords2geo(data) // a json object
Sometimes the coordinates can be inverted. In this case you can set the reverse option to true.
data, // a json object
reverse: true // to reverse latitudes and longitude coordinates
densify allows to densify a geojson Example
geo.densify(geojson, { dist: 0.4 })
The dist
value determines the minimum distance between nodes.
dissolve allows dissolving geometries (multipart to single parts). Example
geo.dissolve(world) // a GeoJSON object
nodes allows to retrieve geometry nodes. Example
geo.nodes(world) // a GeoJSON object
union allows merging polygon geometries. Example
geo.union(world) // a GeoJSON object
With options, you can compute a union by id.
continents = geo.union(
world, // a GeoJSON object
id: "continent" // ids
simplify allows simplifying geometries while preserving topology (topojson.simplify
algorithm). Example
world, // a GeoJSON object
k, // factor of simplification (default: 0.5)
tissot tissot allows getting the Tissot's indicatrix. Example
geo.tissot(20) // step (default; 10)
geolines allows getting the natural geographic lines such as the equator, tropics & polar circles. Example
filter allows to create and returns a new GeoJSON containing all the elements of the original GeoJSON that meet a condition determined by the callback function applied on properties (or geometries). the function returns a new GeoJSON and does not modify the initial GeoJSON. Find examples here.
newworld = geo.filter(world, (d) => d.CNTR_ID == "BR")
You can also do the same thing on geometries by specifying a third argument as "geometry". For example:
newworld = geo.filter(world, (d) => d3.geoArea(d) > area, "geometry")
map allows to create a new GeoJSON with the results of a function call provided on each element of GeoJSON properties (or geometries). the function returns a new GeoJSON and does not modify the initial GeoJSON. Find examples here.
renameproperties =, (d, i) => ({
index: i,
id: d.CNTR_ID,
name: d.CNTR_NAME
You can also do the same thing on geometries by specifying a third argument as "geometry". For example:
dot =
(d) => ({ type: "Point", coordinates: d3.geoCentroid(d) }),
rewind allows to allows to rewind outer ring counterclockwise and inner rings clockwise. It is adapted from MapBox geojson-rewind code) under ISC license. Example
data, // a featureCollection
outer: true, // Rewind Rings Outer (default: true)
mutate: true // to mutate the input geoJSON (default: true)
featurecollection allows converting an array of features or an array of geometries to a well formatted GeoJSON. Example
makevalid Returns a geometry which is valid according to the GEOS validity rules, and preserves as much as possible of the input geometry's extent, dimension, and structure. The returned geometry will be valid, or null if an exception occurs.
type allows get the geometry type of a GeoJSON. It return an object containg the number of dimensions of the geometries (1 for punctual, 2 for lineal, 3 for zonal and -1 for composite) and the types of the geometries ("Point", "LineString", "Polygon", "MultiPoint", "MultiLineString", "MultiPolygon").
contains tests if the first geometry contains the second geometry.
geo.op.contains(geojson, geojson)
covers tests whether the first geometry covers the second geometry.
geo.op.covers(geojson, geojson)
crosses tests if two geometries cross.
geo.op.crosses(geojson, geojson)
coveredby tests whether the first geometry is covered by the second geometry.
geo.op.coverdby(geojson, geojson)
disjoint tests if two geometries are disjoint.
geo.op.disjoint(geojson, geojson)
equals tests whether two geometries are topologically equal.
geo.op.equals(geojson, geojson)
intersects tests if two geometries intersect in interior or boundary points.
geo.op.intersects(geojson, geojson)
overlaps tests if two geometries overlap in their interior points.
geo.op.overlaps(geojson, geojson)
touches tests if two geometries touch at one or more points.
geo.op.touches(geojson, geojson)
within tests if the first geometry is within the second geometry.
geo.op.within(geojson, geojson)