1:ternary operator (? :)
2:(short circuit &&)
1:state management,
2: onclick, onchange and event handler
3: local storage recap again
Links https://share-your-mind-story.netlify.app/
1 :useState hook,
2: onclick
3: and condition rendering by ternary operator and comparison operators
Links https://buy-your-ticket-by-counter-app.netlify.app/
1:passing object in useState hook,
2: onclick
3: and condition rendering by ternary operator and comparison operators
4:local storage and session storage (setItem,getItem,clear)
Links https://create-our-own-account.netlify.app/
1: passing data parents to child,
2: child data passing into parents,
3: lifting data
1: passing data parents to child,
2: child data passing into parents into array,
3: state management (useState hook)
3: lifting data
Links https://basic-todo-app-by-lifting-function.netlify.app/
1: passing data parents to child,
2: child data passing into parents into array,
3: passing lifting function parents to child and child to parents
4: state management (useState hook)
5: ternary operator (? :) (short circuit &&) for condition rendering
6: maps and filter has been used
7: delete functionality
Links https://todo-app-with-crud.netlify.app/
1: passing data parents to child,
2: child data passing into parents into array,
3: passing lifting function parents to child and child to parents
4: state management (useState hook)
5: ternary operator (? :) (short circuit &&) for condition rendering
6: maps and filter has been used
7: delete functionality
8:how to make toggle
Links https://todo-app-with-crud.netlify.app/
1: passing data parents to child,
2: state management (useState hook) and (useEffect hook) and also i have made custom hook
3: ternary operator (? :) (short circuit &&) for condition rendering
4: maps
Links https://search-photo-from-api.netlify.app/
in this project we made a country website by using useState and useEffect Hooks and fake api and lifting function
1: passing data parents to child,
2: child data passing into parents into array,
3: passing lifting function parents to child and child to parents
4: state management (useState hook) and useEffect(()=>{},[]) hooks
5: ternary operator (? :) (short circuit &&) for condition rendering
6: maps and filter has been used
7: delete functionality
8: search functionality
Links https://searchcountryapp134.netlify.app/
in this project we made a country website by using useState and useEffect Hooks and fake api and lifting function
1: passing data parents to child,
2: child data passing into parents into array,
3: passing lifting function parents to child and child to parents
4: state management (useState hook) and useEffect(()=>{},[]) hooks
5: ternary operator (? :) (short circuit &&) for condition rendering
6: maps and filter has been used
7: delete functionality
8: search functionality
9: custom hooks
Links https://find-static-user.netlify.app/
1: passing data parents to child,
2: child data passing into parents into other function,
3: passing lifting function parents to child and child to parents
4: state management (basic useState hook) and additional hook useReducer
5: ternary operator (? :) (short circuit &&) for condition rendering
6: maps and filter has been used
7: delete functionality
8: search functionality
Links https://user-by-usereducer.netlify.app/
*** in this tutorial i have recap how to use basic context hook in react