Software developer with solid experience in Node.js, React, Python, and PHP. Expertise in REST and GraphQL APIs, UI/UX prototyping, and full-stack projects. Proficient in DevOps practices including CI/CD automation, unit testing, debugging, and secure deployment.
🌱 Currently available for permanent or temporary positions as a Fullstack Developer or a opportunity as a Software Engineer Intern
- Languages: Typescript, Javascript, Python, PHP
- Frontend: React, Next.js, Svelte, HTMX, HTML, CSS, TailwindCSS
- Backend: Node.js (Express, GraphQL), Python (FastAPI, Django, Flask), PHP (OOP, MySql, Wordpress, Symfony)
- Data Structures: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, TypeORM, Prisma, SQLAlchemy, SQLModel, Pydantic
- API: RESTful, GraphQL, HATEOAS, Hypermedia Driven
- DevOps: Git, CI/CD, GitHub Actions, Docker, Nginx, Caddy
🎓 Finishing Bachelor's in Fullstack Application Development - Software Developer at WildCodeSchool France
🔧 Current Project: -Developing a Python FastAPI + HTMX SaaS solution
🤝 Open for freelance opportunities, open source contributions, and innovative collaborations 📧
- Aug 16, 2024 - FastAPI as a Hypermedia Driven Application w/ HTMX & Jinja2Templates
- Jan 21, 2023 - FoodLabels App Technical Documentation VF