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Skills-Matrix App

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This a serverless skills matrix web application for a small team.


Clone the repository and install the dependencies:

  git clone
  cd skills-matrix


The 'backend' folder in the root directory contains the lambda functions and serverless YAML file.

The backend can be deployed to either a development or production stage in AWS:

  cd backend
  serverless deploy -v              # development deploy
  serverless deploy --stage prod -v # production deploy

To remove the backend stack from AWS:

  cd backend
  serverless remove               # remove development stack
  serverless remove --stage prod  # remove production stack

Cognito setup

The Cognito user pool needs to be setup manually at the moment, with the following required attributes for a user:

  • email
  • name

The following groups also need to be created in the user pool for the two types of user of the application:

  • adminUsers
  • staffUsers

Users can be created by an admin user within the application itself. However to create the first admin account on initial deployment and add them to the adminUsers group, the below aws-cli commands can be run:

Create admin account (

  aws cognito-idp sign-up --region <YOUR_AWS_REGION> \
  --client-id <YOU_COGNITO_CLIENT_ID> \
  --username \
  --password <A_TEMPORARY_PASSWORD> \
  --user-attributes Name="name",Value="Test Admin1" \

Add the admin account to the admin permissions group:

  aws cognito-idp admin-add-user-to-group \
  --user-pool-id <YOUR_USER_POOL_ID> \
  --username \
  --group-name adminUsers

An associated identity pool also needs to be manually created to grant user permissions to the deployed AWS resources. Upon creation of this select Cognito as the authentication provider, and enter your 'User Pool ID' and 'App Client ID'.
Two new IAM roles then need to be created to be used as the Authenticated and Unauthenticated roles in the identity pool. For the Authenticated role make sure that the "execute-api:Invoke" action is allowed on the API Gateway Resource that was deployed via serverless.

Environment variables

The front-end accesses the following environment variables in a '.env' file located in the root directory.
The majority of the values for these can be obtained from the output logs after deploying the backend with serverless.




The COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOL_ID, COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID, COGNITO_USER_POOL_WEB_CLIENT_ID variables can then be obtained from the AWS console.

The COGNITO_ADMIN access/secret keys refer to an AWS user which will need to be setup manually. This user needs the following permissions to the Cognito user pool setup above:

  • ListUsersInGroup
  • AdminAddUserToGroup
  • AdminCreateUser
  • AdminDeleteUser


Start the app:

  yarn start

Run tests:

  yarn test

Lint code:

  yarn lint     # lint javascript and css
  yarn lint:js  # lint javascript
  yarn lint:css # lint css


  yarn build      # development build
  yarn build:prod # production build

Demo site

A deployed demo site is available at the link below:

Other Info

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Create React App documentation.