This is a Slack provider for Terraform
The provider allows for creation & desruction of public Slack channels
terraform-provider-slack is based on Terraform, this means that you need
- Terraform >=0.10.0
The recommended way to install terraform-provider-slack is use the binary distributions from the Releases page. The packages are available for Linux and macOS.
Download and uncompress the latest release for your OS. This example uses the linux binary.
> wget
> tar -xvf terraform-provider-slack*.tar.gz
Now copy the binary to the Terraform's plugins folder, if is your first plugin maybe isn't present.
> mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
> mv terraform-provider-slack*/terraform-provider-slack ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
*You can always install from source with Makefile
provider "slack" {
api_token = "SLACK_API_TOKEN"
resource "slack_channel" "jenkins_ci" {
channel_name = "jenkins"
channel_topic = "Jenkins Integration for production deploys"