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This project contains a good collection of Java programs for reference

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Programming Collections in Java

This project contains a good collection of Java programs with unit tests for reference.

Concurrency and Multithreading

  1. Atomic Counter
  2. Cyclic Barrier
  3. Blocking Queue Implementation - with and without Lock
  4. Executor Service - Single Thread and Fixed Thread Pool
  5. CountDownLatch
  6. Locks Implementation - Reentrant, Reentrant Read-write, Stamped
  7. ConcurrentHashMap
  8. Semaphore
  9. Thread APIs & ThreadLocal
  10. Concurrency Problems - Dining Philosophers, Producer Consumer

Data Structures and Algorithms


  1. Armstrong Number
  2. Combination
  3. Disible by N
  4. Factorial
  5. Fibonacci
  6. Greatest Common Divisor
  7. Highest Power of 2 that is less than or equal to N
  8. Krishnamurthy Number
  9. Permutation
  10. Pronic Number
  11. Square Root Finder


  1. Array Rotation
  2. Binary Heap Array
  3. Duplicate Number
  4. Frequency Counter
  5. Maximum Repeating Number
  6. Median of Sorted Arrays
  7. Minimum Swaps
  8. Missing Number
  9. Move Elements to end
  10. Next Greatest Element
  11. Odd Occurrence Element
  12. Pair with given sum
  13. Shuffle cards
  14. Sorted Squares
  15. Subarray Problems


  1. Coloring Problem
  2. Hamiltonian Path
  3. Knights Tour
  4. Maze Problem
  5. N Queens Problem
  6. Subset Sum
  7. Sudoku

Bit Manipulation

  1. Simple Algorithms using Bitwise Operators
  2. First Repeated character finder
  3. Lonely integer
  4. Unique character string checker


  1. LFU Cache Simulation
  2. LRU Cache Simulation


  1. Caesar Cipher

Dynamic Programming

  1. Cutting Rod Problem
  2. Edit Distance
  3. Egg Dropping Problem
  4. Knapsack Problem
  5. Longest Common Subsequence
  6. Longest Increasing Subsequence
  7. Staircase Problem


  1. Day Finder
  2. Palindrome Prime
  3. Prime Numbers
  4. Roman Numeral Finder
  5. Set Bits Counter


  1. Clock Angle Finder
  2. Line Intersection
  3. Orientation
  4. Overlapping Rectangles
  5. Point inside Polygon checker
  6. Rectangle into Squares


  1. Connected graph
  2. Farthest node finder
  3. Check for cycle
  4. Graph Traversal
  5. Minimum Spanning Tree
  6. Undirected graph


  1. Majority Element


  1. Min Heap
  2. Max Heap

Linked List

  1. Cycle Detecter
  2. Duplicate remover
  3. Flatten Linked list
  4. Reverse Linked list
  5. Linked list subset
  6. Merge sort
  7. Delete middle node
  8. Singly Linked list Palindrome


  1. Difference in Diagonals
  2. Find Island
  3. Find maximum length path


  1. Coin Change Problem
  2. Staircase Problem

Pattern Searching

  1. Knuth Morris Pratt method
  2. Naive method


  1. Priority Queue Median Finder


  1. Josephus Problem
  2. Staircase Problem
  3. Print String Permutation
  4. Tower of Hanoi Problem


  1. Remove duplicate words
  2. General regex
  3. IP Address
  4. XML tag matcher


  1. Binary Search
  2. Interpolation Search
  3. Linear Search
  4. Saddleback Search
  5. Sorted Rotated Array Search
  6. Ternary Search


  1. Find kth largest element
  2. Find kth smallest element
  3. Quick Select
  4. Secretary Problem


  1. Bogo Sort
  2. Bubble Sort
  3. Bucket Sort
  4. Cocktail Shaker Sort
  5. Comb Sort
  6. Counting Sort
  7. Cycle Sort
  8. Gnome Sort
  9. Heap Sort
  10. Insertion Sort
  11. Merge Sort
  12. Pancake Sort
  13. Pigeon Hole Sort
  14. Quick Sort
  15. Radix Sort
  16. Selection Sort
  17. Shell Sort


This project contains a good collection of Java programs for reference






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