Antnet implementation for ns 2.34 based on the version for ns2.33 by Richardson Lima description available at and
- Matthew Orlinski at and Richardson Lima at with suggestions/improvements
Note: You will need GCC4.0 to install ns 2.34. If you have made any changes on your NS2.34 (e.g. installing newer protocols), installing with the below instructions MAY overright your changes. If you have made changes and you still want to use this protocol. The changelog below should be helpful to you in getting Antnet into ns2.34 without destroying your additions.
Copy the files provided into NS2.34 directory as is.
./configure make
Finally, enjoy
Change log for none destructive install Additions we're made to ns2.34 to get antnet to work. The below is a guide only to be used in troubleshooting and ARE NOT COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS. Not all changes are documented below but with these and following the clear advice on on how to add a new routing protocol (TIP: Follow the instructions on the site substituting his protocol name "wfrp" for "antnet" and then make the changes below. This should get you antnet compiled and working)
File: queue/drop-tail.h
public: int getlength();
Added to the DropTail class
File: queue/
int DropTail::getlength() {
return q_->length();
Add this method to queue/
File: queue/
case PT_ANT:
if (ch->direction() == hdr_cmn::UP) {
recvHighPriority(p, h);
else {
Queue::recv(p, h);
Added to queue/ instead
File: common/packet.h
name_[PT_ANT] = "Ant";
[/Code] Basically anywhere that the WFRP tutorial (The website above) tells you to put PT_WFRP, put PT_ANT instead
#include <antnet/ant_pkt.h>
Remember to include this in
CMUTrace::format_antnet(Packet *p, int offset)
struct hdr_ant_pkt *ah = HDR_ANT_PKT(p);
if (pt_->tagged()) {
sprintf(pt_->buffer() + offset,
"-ant:o %d -ant:s %d -ant:l %d ",
ah->pkt_src(), ah->pkt_seq_num(), ah->pkt_len());
else if (newtrace_) {
sprintf(pt_->buffer() + offset,
"-P ant -Po %d -Ps %d -Pl %d ",
ah->pkt_src(), ah->pkt_seq_num(), ah->pkt_len());
else {
sprintf(pt_->buffer() + offset,
"[ant %d %d %d] ",
ah->pkt_src(), ah->pkt_seq_num(), ah->pkt_len());
The trace format function in is the above taken from the ns2.33 version by Richardson Lima
case PT_ANT:
format_antnet(p, offset);
Add this to the function CMUTrace::format(.....
File: tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl
# Defaults for Antnet
Agent/Antnet set num_nodes_x_ 4
Agent/Antnet set num_nodes_y_ 4
Agent/Antnet set num_nodes_ 16
Agent/Antnet set r_factor_ 0.001
Agent/Antnet set timer_ant_ 0.03
Add this at the end
File: tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl
Simulator instproc get-drop-queue { n1 n2 } {
$self instvar link_
set q [$link_($n1:$n2) queue]
return $q
Add this code to tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl
author = {LIMA, Richardson Edson de},
title = {AntNet Algorithm for The Network Simulator (NS2)},
year = {2009},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}}