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Richel Bilderbeek edited this page May 10, 2020 · 1 revision


Why are Mark's reviews in Dutch?

Laziness. I might as well write my reviews in English, or make an English AND a Dutch version. But, it's easier for me to do it in Dutch. Moreover, I think most fans of K3 are Dutch or Flemish. The songs of K3 are also Dutch/Flemish. If someone requests it, I will give a translation of my reviews.

Why are Richel's reviews in English?

Because English is the lingua franca spoken by academia.

Who is Mark?

That's me, Mark Wiering. ( I am almost obsessed with mathematics. My hobbies are: playing chess, bicycling, making programmes in C++, solving mathematical problems and watching cartoons. I especially like the Avatar-series and Elfen Lied. But, Elfen Lied is extremely violent (especially episode 2), so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I am very interested in politics, history and buddhism.

Who is Richel?

I am an adult male working at a university as a researcher. See my website for more details.

Can I also submit my reviews?

Sure, you are welcome to join the current team and add your reviews. All we ask is to stick to the current format, as we will use that format for our (future) statistics.

You can submit your work by

What is your goal of these reviews?


I don't have a goal in particular.


I think it shows my thorough knowledge of the ouvre of K3 and I hope Studio 100 (the producers of K3) will ask me for advice when choosing new songs.

Additionally, I enjoy to compare the opinions given.

Do you consider yourself a fan?


Yes, I do.


Judge for yourself:

  • I do buy the CDs that had at least one unique song on them, when the price drops to ten euros
  • I do not buy collection CDs, as these contain no new songs
  • I do visit their concert once a year at a seat in the far back, as I think the kids should be in the front
  • I do listen to their music on a regular basis
  • I do not like all their songs
  • I do not watch the YouTube clips
  • I do not follow their TV series and TV shows
  • I do not have much merchandize, only a bread box (for electronic parts), refrigerator magnets and a pink microphone
  • I do not have posters hanging in my room
  • I have not painted the walls of my room pink
  • I have read the autobiography of Kathleen

Who is your favorite girl?


Karen Damen without a doubt. She sings beautifully. Moreover, I like her appearance.

Since Richel gave a list, I will too.

    1. Karen Damen.
    1. Kathleen Aerts/Kristel Verbeke (can't really decide)
    1. Josje Huisman


I can rank them:

  • (1) Karen
  • (2) Josje
  • (3) Kristel
  • (4) Kathleen

I like Karen best, because she is most tomboyish, has a bit of a whiskey voice and has the naughtiest eyes. I like Josje because of her high speed and pretty Dutch accent. Kristel has the sweetest and most sincere smile. I started to appreciate Kathleen only after reading the autobiography she wrote when she left the group.

How do you feel about K3 breaking up (announced at the 18th of March 2015)?


Josje Huisman is the one of the three who wanted stop. If it were just her, I wouldn't it mind at all. That would give Kathleen Aerts the perfect opportunity to return to K3 or they would just get another girl. But, unfortunately, all three girls will be replaced. I think that's stupid. Why should Karen Damen and Kristel Verbeke be replaced if only Josje Huisman wants to stop? Back in 2009 when Kathleen Aerts quit, Karen Damen and Kristel Verbeke also continued to be members.

Now I am really curious about the new members and how their shows, films, videoclips and songs will turn out.


Personally, I don't mind: it has never been about the actual girls for me, but the lyrics. And new lyrics will be written. So, for me, nothing is lost. Additionally, I took the opportunity to apply for one of the three K3 position (although I assume I won't make it).