cluster contains the API cluster-shows contains the Front end form and hex structure
in cluster :
- You can add a hexagon to a node and it gets reflected, you can only add , if there is no hex connected to that particular border .
- once you add , it gets connected to its neghbour and reflected in the grid structure in frontend .
- you can delete a hex using its name .
- you can only delete , if it's not a bridge and even if it connects to other clusters ( strongly connected components ) , there are other ways to reach that particular node from that other component .
*Though the connections are not directed , each cluster is connected ( strongly is not the correct keyword :p ) *
used aws - lambdas for API's
Three table :
- hexagons: uniquely identifies a Hexagon
- clusters: uniquely indentifies neighbours of a hexagon using all UUID's , so search queries are at depth = 1
- locations: uniquely locates a hex
python , flask, JS , reactjs , aws lambda , serverless , graphql
- clone it
- cluster ( move to cluster directory)
- ( Follow this )
- show_cluster( move to show_cluster directory )
- npm i
- npm start
- change url in app.js to localhost:3000/prod/ , to make it point to local setup , initially it is setted to hosted aws URL